Individual Details

Gideon Ragland

(Abt 1755 - 7 Sep 1837)

Gideon Ragland, 3rd son of William Ragland, was born in New Kent Co, VA
in 1755. He moved to Pittsylvania Co, VA in 1778. He married
Nancy_____. They had 4 sons and 5 daughters. In 1808 he moved with 3 of
his sons and one of his daughters to Hardin Co, KY. His wife died
October 7, 1811 and he remarried in 1816 to Ann Wall. (They had no
children) He died in Hardin Co. in 1837
WorldConnect file of Melinda Ragland, "Ragland-Swain"; updated 12 Oct 2004.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.267 14 Feb 1807 Gideon Ragland Senr & Nancy his wife to William Ragland. 200#'s. Tract both sides Burches Creek, 125 acres. Begin white oak on the Creek, up the creek as it meanders, metes and bounds. Signed: Gideon Ragland, Senr, Nancy Ragland. 16 Feb 1807 Ack & ordered recorded.
p.287 4 Dec 1804. William Herring to Elijah Creel. $500. tract on waters of Birches Creek. 220 acres. Daniel Slatons line, Thomas Terry line, Thompsons line, spring branch, Raglands line, Bear branch. Signed: William Herring. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Benja. Watkins, John Shelton, Gideon Ragland. 17 Feb 1805 proved by two witnesses. 16 Feb 1807, proved by third.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 16
p.72 10 May 1808 Gideon Ragland to Robert W. Ragland. 184#'s. Tract on South side of Birch Creek by survey 219 acres. Pointers in the back line, Turners line, by a Branch, William Raglands lines. Signed: Gideon Ragland. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Gideon Ragland Junr, J. M. Williams, Creed Tanner, Thomas Terry
20 Jun 1808, proved by witnesses.
p.322 11 Oct 1808 Gideon Ragland Senr to Creed Tanner. $1500. 332 acres. Both sides Birch Creek. Elisha Ford corner, Gideon Ragland Jr's, Stokely Turners line, Daniel Slaytons line, Robert Raglands line. Signed: Gideon Ragland, Nancy Ragland. Wit: J. W. Williams, Wm White, Thos. Shelton, Benj. Watkins, Allen Tanner.
p.324 James M. Williams, William White, Ben. Watkins, Commissioners. Gideon Ragland & Nancy sold on 11Oct 1808 to Creed Tanner. Nancy cannot conveniently travel.. 4 Oct 1808 Nancy Ragland relinquished dower rights to the commissioners. 15 May 1809 Witnesses proved and certificate of Nancy, recorded.


BirthAbt 1755New Kent County, Virginia
Death7 Sep 1837Hardin County, Kentucky
MarriageNancy Clopton


SpouseNancy Clopton (1760 - 1814)
ChildRobert Wentworth Ragland (1778 - 1849)