Individual Details

Emma Stronge

( - )

Emma's parents were William & Margaret Stronge.

There is a baptism record, Chardstock, Dorset, England - Emma was baptized 8 Jan 1580, her father listed as William.

WILLIAM STRONGE - Bur. 19 Jan. 1580/81, Chardstock, Devon, England. M. Margaret ?, bur. 23 Mar. 1621/22, Chardstock, Devon, England.
Will of Margaret Stronge of Chardstock, widow, dated 4 March 1620/21, proved 7 June 1622, (Wilt R.o. Dean of Sarum, R-10-126), [Robin Bush, Pub. By Mary and John Clearinghouse]
To her DAUGHTER AGNES WIFE OF THOMAS DABINOT a table bord and, after her death, to her DAUGHTER JONE. To her DAUGHTER EMME WIFE OF VINCENT MAGGS a cupboard and the frame which hee standeth uppon. To JOHN TURNER THE ELDER SON OF NICHOLAS TURNER THE ELDER one crock, a pair of pothooks and a crock. To JOHN TURNER THE YOUNGER SON SAID NICHOLAS one 'brock', one dripping pan, two silver spoons, and one bucket. To THOMAS TURNER, SON OF THE SAID NICHOLAS one cauldron, one skimmer, one silting trough, one bolt and a peck. To GEORGE DEMOND SON OF WILLIAM DEMOND one bed, one bedstead, one pair of blankets, one coverlet, one bolster, my half sheets, one great coffer, one trendle, one frame stool, one candlestick, one pourer, one gridiron and one cauldron. To JOANE JOHNSON, DAUGHTER OF RALPH JOHNSON one pair of sheets. To HONOR DENMAN, WIFE OF WILLIAM DENMAN one coffer and 12d. TO ALL THE REST OF MY DAUGHTERS 12d each. To my THREE DAUGHTERS HONOR, EMM AND JOANE all my wearing apparel equally to be divided among them. Appoints JOAN TURNER, WIFE OF NICHOLAS TURNER executrix. Witnesses THOMAS DABINOT, John Spiller senior. Inventory, total 52s 8d, dated 25 March 1622, exhibited 17 June 1622. [Robin Bush, Pub. By Mary and John Clearinghouse]
• Agnes Stronge, m. Thomas Dabinot, 9 June 1609, Kingsburi Episcopi, Somerset, England.
• Joan Stronge, m. Nicholas Turner the Elder, 28 Apr. 1611, Chardstock, Devon, England.
• Honor Stronge - Bur. 22 Jun. 1655, Chardstock, Devon, England. M. William Denman, 26 Nov. 1600, Chardstock, Devon, England.
• Emma Stronge, Bpt. 8 Jan. 1580/81, Chardstock, Devon, England, m. Vincent Meggs als Love, d. 1 Dec. 1658, Guilford, Connecticut. He lived in Weymouth, Massachusetts, 1639, pos. Rehoboth, Massachusetts, 1642, New Haven, Connecticut, 1644 and E. Guilford (now Madison), Connecticut, 1654.

Survey of Haccombefee (in Axminster) dated 1625
(Devon R.O., 123 M/E/37)
Vincent Megges als Love, Emma his wife and John Megges their son hold for their lives by copy dated 15 Oct. 15 James (1617) one tenement in the village of Axminster known by the name and sign of le Angell (i.e. The Angel Inn) with cutilage and le backside, containing by estimtion half and acre, rent 3s 6d, suit of court, but not heriotable, fine 70 pounds. [Robin Bush, pub. by Mary and John Clearinghouse]


Christen8 Jan 1580Chardstock, Dorsetshire, England


SpouseVINCENT MEIGS (1580 - 1658)
ChildVincent MEIGS ( - )
ChildMary MEIGS ( - )
ChildJOHN MEIGS ( - 1671)
ChildMark MEIGS ( - )