Individual Details
Benjamin Johnson
( - )
Son of John Johnson & Lucretia Massie.
Probably his record:
Louisa Co Va DB C p.207 _____1763 Benjamin Johnson & Mary his wife to Drury Pullum of Henrico Co. 75#'s. Tract in Louisa Co bounded by lines of Thomas Moreman, James Johnson. Poor;s Creek; David Anderson's line. 125 acres. Signed: Benjamin Johnson, Mary Johnson. Ack & dower release dated 10 May 1763.
Benjamin Johnson's will recorded 26 Sep 1769, Bedford Co VA, WB 1, p.8 Named wife Mary and children in the order of their births: Thomas, John, Andrew, William (this is the 2nd William - the first William died a day after he was born), James, Rachel, Elizabeth, Mildred and Christopher.
The Last Will & Testament of Benjamin Johnson Sept. 26, 1769, in Will Book 1, page 86, Bedford Co., Va. “In the name of God Amen, I Benjamin Johnson of Bedford County & Russell Parrish being weak in Body But of Perfect Memory Do mak Constitute & Ordain this to be my last Will & Testament in manner following that is to say
Imprimis I give & Bequeath Unto my Son Thomas Johnson one Horse & a Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawful age to him his airs or assigns forever Item, I give & Bequeath unto my son John Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when Married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever.
Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son Andrew Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever Item I give & bequeath unto my son William Johnson a horse & Cow & Calf when married or comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever Item
I give & bequeath unto my Son James Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to him his airs & assigns forever. Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Rachel Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to her airs & assigns forever. Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when Married or comes of Lawful age to her aires & assigns forever
Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Mildred Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawful age to her her airs forever Item I give & Bequeath unto my son Christopher Johnson a Horse & Cow & Calf when married or Comes of Lawfull age to him his airs forever.
Item I lend to my beloved wife during the Terms of Life a Negro Girl Named Sarah & her Increase & the plantashon whereon we now Live & the Land Containing Two Hundred & fifty Acers be the same mow or less with imprvements & appurtance there belonging & also all the Rest & Remainder of my personal Estate of What Nature or Quallity soever not herein purticular before given or mentshoned During the Terme of Life & after her deceas I Desire that my Estate may be Equally Divided amongst all my Children above mentioned they their airs & asines forever
Lastly I Appoint my wife Mary Johnson to be my Excutor & I appoint Charles Lynch with him & Micajah Terrel Benjamin Johnson L S Teste Henry Tate Bowlen Clark Sarah Tate Jesse Tate
At a Court held for Bedford County Sepr. 26th 1769. The within Last Will & Testament of Benjamin Johnson Decd. was Exhibitied in Court by Mary Johnson Charles Lynch & Micajah Terril Executrix & Executors therein Named & Proved by the Oaths of Henry Tate Sarah Tate & Jesse Tate & Ordered to be Recorded & on the motion of the said Executrix & Executors who made Oath According to Law they have first Entered into Bond with Security & acknowledged the same for their due & Faithfull Execution of the said Last Will & Testament Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in Due former of Law Teste Ben Howard, C.B.C. A Copy-Teste: (Sgd) U. W. Nichols, clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Bedford, Virginia
Spouse | Mary Moorman (1731 - 1814) |
Child | John Johnson (1751 - ) |
Father | John Johnson ( - ) |
Mother | Elizabeth Massie ( - ) |