Individual Details

John Wesley Learner

(7 Feb 1848 - 15 May 1940)
The following information is excerpted from articles covering the first meeting of the Old Settlers' Society of Howard County, Indiana. The articles are from the September 16, 1875 issue of the Kokomo Democrat, and the September 18, 1875 issue of the Kokomo Saturday Tribune.
The first formal meeting of the Old Settlers' Society of Howard County, Indiana was held at the fairgrounds September 11, 1875. The Middlefork Fair was being held at the same time, which "kept away many citizens from the West end of the county, but the East end was well represented". The attendance by the afternoon was estimated at 3,000. The meeting was called to order, and the minutes of the previous meeting (held in August) were read. The Constitution and by-laws were reported.
The secretary requested that the Executive Committee collect "such incidents, reminiscences, biographies &c, of all old settlers of the county" to be revised and read at the next meeting. It was also requested that "every person in the county who is entitled to a registry on the Secretary's book as an Old Settler" furnish his date of birth, age, and the time and place of his settlement in the county. Plans were made for the next meeting on the first Thursday of September 1876, "at which time a complete history of the county will be read".
After the business meeting adjourned, the following Old Settlers gave speeches: Dr. Corydon RICHMOND, Willis BLANCH, D. FOSTER, Henry B. HAVENS, J.H. STOVER, Joseph BROWN, Joseph HEATON, Benjamin COSAND and Jonathan REEDER.
The listing below is a transcription of the register which was a result of the formation of the "Old Settlers' Society of Howard County Indiana". The members of the society filled in the register in their own handwriting, starting on September 16, 1876 through 1883. Unclear names, words and/or dates are followed by [?] or listed as [indecipherable]
The actual register is located at the Seiberling Mansion in Kokomo; while the Kokomo-Howard County Library has a photocopied version. Photocopies of some of the pages can be found in the following back issues of the HCGS Newsletter: Vol.5, #3; Vol 6 #1; Vol 6 #2; Vol 6 #3. (available from the Society for $3.00 per issue). The following entries are presented in the same order as in the newsletter, with the pages not copied in the newsletter listed last.
Among the entries:
J. W. Leaner, b. 7 Feb 1848, Howard Co IN. He had been in the county for 34 years.

1880 Census. Howard Co IN. Jno. W. Learner age 32, born IN, father born in Baden. Hettie age 23, b. IN, her parents born in Ohio. They had married only a few months before.]

1900 Census. John had remarried. He was in Center Twp, Howard Co IN.
Wesley J. Learner, b. Feb 1848, age 52. Married for 9 years. Father b. Germany, mother b. Pennsylvania. He was a glass manufacturer.
Wife Emma, b. Mar 1851, age 49. She had 4 children, only 1 living. Emma & her parents b. in Indiana
Belle Wilson, stepdaughter, b. Jan 1878 in IN, age 22.
Grace Learner, daughter, b. Dec 1881 in IN, age 18.

1910. John W. Learner lived in the 2nd Ward, Kokomo. Age 62, b. IN. He was married twice, the last time for 18 years. Born IN, father born Germany, mother born Pennsylvania. Emma J. gave her age as 50. Grace A. age 28 was still single and living at home.

The Indianapolis Star, Friday, 19 Jan 1912, p.11
News of the City in Brief
Bank Incorporates for $150,000. The Farmers Trust and Savings Bank of Kokomo filed articles of incorporation with Secretary of State Ellingham yesterday for $150,000 capital stock. Among the incorporators are Edgar A. Simmons, George W. Duke, John W. Learner, and William W. Drinkwater.

The Kokomo Daily Tribune, Wednesday, 4 Feb 1920
Real Estate Transfers
John W. Learner and wife to Indiana Lumber Co., lots 36-37, J.D.K. Kennedy's addition, Kokomo. $500.

1920 Census. Kokomo Ward 2, Howard, IN, Hh
J. W. Leaner, age 70, Proprietor but of what I cannot read...., b. IN, father b. Germany, mother b. Pennsylvania
Emma J., wife, age 64

The Kokomo Daily Tribuen, Monday, 30 Aug 1925, p.14
Real Estate Transfers
David C. Spraker to John W. Learner and wife, Lot 70, Original Plat, Kokomo, $1.00.

The Kokomo Daily Tribune, Monday, 13 Aug 1928, p.4
Real Estate Transfers
Esthere E. Briggs to John W. Learner. Lots 101 and 102, Diamond Plate Gladd Addition. $1000.00

The Kokomo Daily Tribune, Monday, 15 Oct 1928, p. 4
Real Estate Transfers
John W. Leaner and wife to Bertha M. Taylor, trustee, Lot 70, original plat. $1
Bertha M. Taylor, trustee, to John W. Learner, lot 70, Original plat. $1.

Article in the Kokomo Tribune, 19 Oct 1929
"Men of Grave Church in Revised Working Groups"
Division T - Guy Simpson, Leader
Group No. 31: Frank Fawcett, leader: Charles Grishaw, J. Wesley Learner, C. W. Isham, Dr. William Harrison, Leroy Lacey

1930 Census. Kokomo, Howard, IN, Hh 709
215 Market Street
John Learner, 82, married first time at age 30, Superintendent, glass factory
Emma J., wife, 79, married at age 19
Carlius Handley, son-in-law, 52, married at 28, b. IN, Life insurance agent
Isabel, dau, 52, married at 27, b. IN [Isabel is Emma's daughter by her first marriage to John Wilson]
Elizabeth, gr-dau, 20, b. IN

1940 Census. Center Twp, Kokomo, Howard, IN, Hh 297
Dated 20 April 1940
Lives at 1235 West Superior. Lived in the same house in 1935
Harry E. Wright, 64, b. IN, President, art glass factory
Grace L., wife, 58, b. IN
Rosemary, dau, 15
John D. Learner, Father-in-law, 92, widowed, b. IN
Kokomo Tribune, 16 May 1940, Thursday
Front page picture, "Oldest Native Dies" J. Wesly Learner. Late Wednesday evening death claimed J. Wesley Learner, Howard County's old native born son. He was born in Howard township in 1848, but most of his life had been spent in Kokomo, where he was long a prominent business figure and highly esteemed citizen.
J. W. Learner, Oldest Native of County, Dies
Expires Wednesday Night at Age of 92 at Home of His Daughter
Entire Life Spent Here
Prominent in Several Connections: had Been Invalid Eight Years
John Wesley Learner, age 92, who probably was the old native-born residen of Howard county, long a prominent figure in loca. industrial and financial circles, a leading churchman and steadfast support of civic and patriotic causes, and a citizen of unobtrusive worth and substantial works, died at the home his daughter Mrs. H. E. Wright, 1235 West Sycamore Street, at 11:40 o'clock Wednesday night.
Mr. Learner had been in impaired health the last eight years, having been overtaken in May, 1932, with a stroke of paralysis, which resulted in practically permanent invalidism, although his final prostration did not come until five weeks ago. Prior to that time, despite his infirm condition, he had been able to take almost daily walks, a form of exercise of which he was particularly fond. A permanent loss of vision occurred two days before his death.
His survivors are the daughter mentioned, three grandchildren, Judson & Rosemary Wright, and Miss Betty Handley, and a number of nephews and nieces, several of whom are residents of Kokomo and vicinity.
Funeral services will be held at the home of the daughter, 1235 West Sycamore stree, at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The Rev. L. W. Kemper, pastor of Grace Methodist Church of which Mr. Learner had been a member more than fifty years, officiating. Burial will take place in Crown Point Cemetery.
John Wesley Learner was born February 7, 1848, a son of Barnhart and Katrina (Heater) Learner, pioneer residents of Howard township at their homestead on the Sycamore stree pike, five miles east of Kokomo, and grew to manhood there, working on the farm and obtaining such schooling as the meager facilities of the period could provide.
....On December 25, 1879, Mr. Learner married Miss Hettie Adamson. To them were born three daughters. One died in infancy and another in early childhood, the only surviving child being Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Learner died May 21, 1890.
On July 15, 1891, he married Mrs. Emma J. Wilson, who had one daughter, Miss Isabell Wilson, now Mrs. C. S. Handley, 915 West Superior street. The second Mrs. Learner died Nov 3, 1933.
(Continues with more his business and relates his witnessing the fatal shooting of Dr. Henry Cole, then mayor in 1881.)

Biographical and Genealogical History of Cass, Miami, Howard and Tipton Counties, IN
; Lewis Publishing Co, 1898; Google Books, p.210-1
JOHN W. LEARNER. One of Howard county's native sons who has attained distinction in business circles and who ranks among the most enterprising and progressive citizens of Kokomo is John Wesley Learner, secretary and treasurer of the Opalescant Glass Works. He was born near the city which is now his home, Febuary 7, 1848, and is the youngest child of Barnhart and Catharine (Raymond) Learner, mentioned elsewhere in this work. The father was a native of Germany and in 1833 came to America. After some time spent in Pennsylvania he came to Howard county and purchased land on what was known as Little Wild Cat creek. Subsequently he bought his present farm and for fifty years has made his home thereon.
It was upon the old homestead that the subject of this review was reared to manhood, and in the district schools he acquired his education, together with one term's attendance at Howard College. Subsequently he engaged in teaching for several terms, after which he engaged in farming and in selling agricultural implements. Lat he manufactured drain tile for three or four years, and then became deputy sheriff, serving for two years. On his retirement from office he became proprietor of a livery stable which he conducted two years, and for a year he dealt in carriages. In the fall of 1891 he became one of the organizers of the Opalescent Glass Works Company, of which he is secretary and treasurer. They manufacture art window-glass and furnish employment for from fifteen to twenty hands. He entered upon a practical business experience at a very early age, for during the war his brother Benjamin went to the front and served his country for four years. He was on the Sultana at the time of its explosion, being one of the few survivors of that disaster. While Benjamin was fighting for the Union the father became afflicted with sore eyes, and thus the management of the farm devolved largely upon Mr. Learner, who displayed amy of the qualities which have since made him a prominent and successful business man.
On the 25th of December 1879, Mr. Learner was united in marriage to Miss Hattie Adamson, daughter of Jackson and Rachel Adamson. They had three children, Grace A. and two who died in infancy. In 1890, the mother was also called to the home beyond, and on the 8th of July, 1892, Mr. Learner wedded Mrs. Emma J. Wilson, widow of John Wilson, a brother of Wilson, the inventor of the Wilso sewing machine. She had one daughter by her former marriage, Belle, who is now attending DePauw University. Mr. and Mrs. Learner belong to Grace Methodist church, of which he is treasurer; he also holds membership in the Masonic lodge, and in politics is a Republican. His life is that of a thoroughgoing business man. He is particularly prompt in keeping his business engagements and expects the same consideration from others. He is at all times reliable and his business career and private life are above reproach.


Birth7 Feb 1848Howard County, Indiana
Marriage25 Dec 1879Delaware County, Indiana - Hester "Hattie" ADAMSON
Marriage1892Emma J. Wilson
Death15 May 1940Howard County, Indiana


SpouseHester "Hattie" ADAMSON (1857 - 1890)
ChildBlanche Learner ( - 1881)
ChildGrace Alice Learner (1881 - 1980)
ChildMillie Learner (1884 - 1884)
SpouseEmma J. Wilson (1851 - 1933)
FatherBarnhart Learner (1808 - 1900)
MotherCatherine Huitter (1807 - 1850)
SiblingMary Learner (1835 - )
SiblingJulia A. Learner (1841 - )
SiblingBenjamin Franklin Learner (1842 - 1925)
SiblingCatherine Learner (1849 - )
