Individual Details

Clifton B. Haden

(11 Nov 1841 - 16 Oct 1927)

Ralls Co MO Marriages: 12 Feb 1861 Clifton Haden to Frances Fuqua by Alpheus Brown. In another place, I found this as 12 Feb 1862.

Death certificate states his name as Clifford B. The informant was Mrs. Lois Howard. His father was listed as Henley Haden; his mother's surname as "Fugua" [obivously this was the maiden name of his wife]. "Clifford" was widowed and was 85 years, 11 months, and 4 days at his death. He died of acute diarrhria. He lived at New London, Ralls, Co, MO.

1870 Census. New London, Spencer Twp, Ralls Co MO
Clifton Hayden, age 28. Francis age 27.
James age 5. Lucy age 1.

1880 Census. Spencer Twp, Ralls Co MO Hh 329
Clifton B. Hayden, age 38, b. MO, parents b. KY Frances, age 37.
James H. 14. Lucy A. 11. Robert W. 9. Norah 5. Docia L. 4 months.
Francis Fuqua, age 79, mother-in-law.

1900 Census. Spencer Twp, Ralls Co MO
C. B. Haden, b. Nov 1841, age 58, married 38 years, farmer, b. MO, parents b. KY
Frances, wife, b. Nov 1842, age 57, 8 children - 6 living, b. MO
Dosie L. dau, b. Dec 1879, Mo. Edgar B., son, b. Sept 1888, age 12.

-"Portrait And Biographical Record Of Marion, Ralls And Pike Counties, Missouri" published by C.O. Owen and Co., Chicago, 1895,First Revised Reprint By Ralls County Book Co., New London 1982: pp.345, 346, Mr. Haden is a representative farmer of Ralls County, and descended from one of the oldest families in the State. Clifton B.Haden is a native of this county, and was born within a half mile of where he now resides, November 12, 1841. He was the son of Henley and Harriet (Bailey) Haden, the parents of four children, of whom Clifton and Robert Haden are the only survivors. The father was born about the year 1811 in the State of Kentucky, and there grew to early manhood.His parents came to Missouri about that time, settling one mile north of where Clifton B. now lives, and where he was (later) born. In this State Henley Haden met and married Miss Bailey, a native of Virginia.Her parents came to Missouri and became prominent people in the State.After acquiring a goodly fund of information in the common schools,and when twenty years of age, our subject determined to take unto himself a wife and helpmate in the person of Miss Frances Fuqua. Their marriage was celebrated February 2, 1862. Miss Frances was the daughter of James Fuqua and sister of James. After his union Mr.Hayden purchased a tract of one hundred and fourteen acres of land,which he was enabled to do with his father's assistance, and with his young wife began housekeeping under a cloudless sky; this is the same property on which he now resides. He was enterprising and industrious,and his progressive spirit soon brought him to the front, and prosperity has attended his every effort. From time to time, as his means would allow, he purchased additional real estate, until he was the possessor of four hundred and forty-five broad acres, one hundred and fifty-six of which he has given to his son Robert. This, aside from being one of the largest estates in the county, is one of the best improved, and consequently one of the most productive. To Mr. and Mrs. Haden have been born eight children, six of whom survive, namely:1. James H., who married Miss Emarilla Jackson and has one daughter,named Lela, 2. Lucy, who married W.T. Jackson and is the mother of a son, Lloyd, 3. Robert W., who married Miss Mattie Pritchett, and they have two children, Roy R. and Marie, 4. Nora, 5. Docia L., 6. Edgar,who are home with their parents. Mr. Haden is an affable and courteous gentleman, upright in character, and has won the respect and esteem of all who know him. In politics he supports the candidates of the Democratic party, and in religious views is a devoted member of the Christian Church. He is and always has been greatly interested in the cause of education in his neighborhood and has been a member of the School Board for a number of years.


Birth11 Nov 1841Ralls County, Missouri
Marriage12 Feb 1861Ralls County, Missouri - Frances Fuqua
Death16 Oct 1927New London, Ralls County, Missouri


SpouseFrances Fuqua (1842 - 1907)
ChildEmily Haden (1863 - 1865)
ChildJames Henley Haden (1865 - 1943)
ChildLucy Alice Haden (1868 - 1950)
ChildRobert W. Haden (1871 - 1948)
ChildNora Haden (1875 - )
ChildAlbina Haden (1877 - 1877)
ChildDocia Lee Haden (1879 - 1958)
ChildEdgar Haden (1886 - 1982)
FatherHenley Haden (1808 - 1876)
MotherHarriet Bailey (1812 - 1846)
SiblingJohn Haden (1835 - 1893)
SiblingRobert Haden (1837 - 1907)
