Individual Details

GEORGE Stocking

(Abt 1582 - Bef 25 May 1683)

THE STOCKING ANCESTRY: Comprising the Descendants of George Stocking, Founder of the American Family. Rev. Charles Henry Wright Stocking, DD, The Lakeside Press, 1903
George was born in Suffolk England about 1582, emigrated to America about 1633 and settled in Cambridge, MA. [he was probably about age 60 in 1660 or born ca 1600] He was made a freeman 6 May 1635. In the company of Rev. Thomas Hooker about 100 settlers traveled on foot to the Connecticut River in 1636 and founded the city of Hartford. George received 20 acres in the general distribution of land. He is believed to have married Anna in England. He is believe to have married (2) Agnes Shotwell Webster, widow of John Webster the governor of the colony. [He was married to an Anne when he wrote his will, 1673 - "Agnes" mentioned as being admitted to the church in 1760, so Agnes was certainly NOT a second marriage. Likely Agnes and Ann are the same person.] He was excused from miliary duty in 1660, due to "great age" [probably age 60]. He died 25 May 1683.. His name is inscribed on a monument erected to the memory of Hooker's party and stands in the old Center Church burying-ground in Hartford.

From a Great Migration sketch on George Stocking:
There seems to be no proof of George's origins in Suffolk. The parish register of Moulton, Northamptonshire, contains the following two baptisms: 1624: Samuell Stocken, son of George Stocken & Dorothie was baptized June 20th. 1626/7: Lidia Stocken daughter of George & Dorothy was baptized January 14. There is a gap in the records from Jun 1628 to Oct 1633, when other children could have been born and baptized. However, there is no record of a wife as Dorothy in New England, and the Lidia baptized at Moulton is about a decade older than the Lydia found in New England. And Northampton is not a common point of origin for early immigrants to Cambridge. It is true that Hannah Stocking Benton, daughter of George, named one of her daughters, Dorothy.

4 Aug 1634. Land grant at Cambridge to George Stocking. One-half acre lot in the West end of Cambridge. 5 Jan 1634/5, he was granted 4 acres behind the Pine Swamp. And on 20 Aug 1635, he was granted one share in the undivided meadow.
10 Oct 1635, George Stockine was listed in the Cambridge land inventory with two parcels: in the town one house with backside about half a rood, and by the Pine Swamp about 4 acres. By 1639, these two parcels were in the hands of William Manning. Also at the time of the land inventory of 1638/9, Edward Winshep held half an acre of ground he bought of George Stocking - the parcel granted in the West end.

Admitted to the Cambridge church prior to 6 May 1635 when he was made freeman.

Lands laid out for the original proprietors of Hartford. Drawn by vote of the Proprietors.
#43 To Samuel Olcott, bounded S upon Henry Arnold & N upon John Blacklidge
#44 To John Blacklidge bounded S upon Samuel Oolcott & N upon George Stocking
#45 To George Stocking, bounded S upon John Blackledge & N upon John Webster
#46 To John Webster, bounded S. upon George Stocking, N upon a Highway.

Distribution of Lands in Hartford Among the Settlers, 1639:
Hartford land inventory of Feb 1639/40. George Stockin held eight parcels, to which four were later added.
one parcel where his dwelling house stood, with yards & garden, about two acres
one parcel of upland, two acres, two roods
one parcel of meadow in the South Meadow, four acres
one parcel more of meadow in the South Meadow, two acres
one parcel of meadow on the east side of the Great River, one acre
one parcel in the Little Meacow, one rood
one parcel in the great swamp in the South Meadow, four acres
one parcel of upland, nine acres, one rood, 29 perches [sold to Tho. Bunce]
one parcel in the South Meadow bought of Nathanial Willet, two acres [25 Mar 1657/8]
one parcel in added to his home lot, about one & a hlaf acres [1 Sep 68]
one parcel in the swamp by the Great River, about half an acre .. there last two parcels given to Georg Stocking by the town [1 Sep 68]
one parcel given him by the town, eleven acres, three of which he sold to Mr. Moody & the remainder eight acres he gave to Andrew Benton Sr and his heirs that he had by said Stocking's daughter [recorded 12 Dec 1680]

30 Oct 1643 George was a "chimney viewer. He served in this capacity again, 11 Feb 1658/9

27 Jan 1647/8 George served as a Hartford selectman

7 Feb 1654/4 and 17 Feb 1661/2. George was a highway surveyor, Hartford.

13 Oct 1658 Georg Stocken was one of four men who complained against Mr. Webster, Capt. Cullick, Mr. Goodwin , and Andrew Bacon in the name of the rest of the withdrawers from the church at Hartford.

17 May 1660. Goodman Stocking was one of four man freed from "training, watching & warding" - militia duty. He was probably close to sixty years of age.

George served on a Connecticut petit jury numerous times: the first noted was 4 Jun 1657; the last was 3 Sep 1668.

11 Oct 1664 George Stocking served on a jury
Hartford Co CT, County Court Minutes, Vol 3 & 4; Helen Schatvet Ullmann, p.32

10 Oct & 17 Oct 1665 George Stocking served on a jury
Hartford Co CT, County Court Minutes, Vol 3 & 4; Helen Schatvet Ullmann, p.53 & p.55

6 Sep 1666 George Stockin served on a jury
Hartford Co CT, County Court Minutes, Vol 3 & 4; Helen Schatvet Ullmann, p.62

3 Jul 1668 George Stocking served on a jury
Hartford Co CT, County Court Minutes, Vol 3 & 4; Helen Schatvet Ullmann, p.90

13 Oct 1669 George Stocking was in the list of freemen at Hartford on the south side.

12 Feb 1669/70 A list of members in full communion of the Second Church at Hartford included George Stocking and Agnes Stocking.

George Stocking wrote his Will on 15 Jul 1673 as "George Stocking of Hartford upon the River of Connecticut, Planter". He left to wife Anne [Agnes?] all estate for her use in her lifetime. After her decease to be disposed of as follows: To dau Lidia Richards, wife of John Richards, 15#'s. Dau Sarah Olcott wife of Samuel Olcott 10#'s. To the six children of Andrew Benton Senior [Andrew Jr, John, Samuel, Joseph, Mary & Dorothy] the sum of 12#'s to be divided among them. To Hannah Camp, one mare. The remainder to son Samuel Stocking and he is to be Executor. Gregory Wollerton & Lt. Thomas Bull to be overseers. Signed: George [X] Stocking.
Witness: Gregory Wollerton, George Grave Sr.

P.C. Vol II, No. 96, Will. p.97, Inv
Date of Will: 25 May 1683, Hartford
Invt. [--] Taken 25 May, 1683, by Nathaniel Willett, Thomas Bunce & John Easton.
Will of George Stocking, planter: I do in this my Last Will and Testament give unto Anne my wife all my houseinge, barn, Orchard, home lott, upland, meadow & Swamp land, Cattell, and all my other Estate, for her to use during the time of her natural life, and after my decease to be disposed of as followeth: I doe give to my daughter Lydia Richards, the wife of John Richards, the Sum of £14; & doe also heerby give to my daughter Sarah Olcott, the wife of Samuel Olcott, the sum of £ 10. I doe also give to the Six Children of Andrew Benton, that is to Andrew Benton Jr., John Benton, Samuel Benton, Joseph Benton, Mary Benton and Dorothy Benton, the sum of £ 12, to be equally divided among them. I do also give unto Hannah Camp one Mare. My will is that these legacies shall be discharged within one year after my wive's decease. My will also is that if any of my Cattell or other Goods of mine may be Spared, my wife and my Executor, agreeing together aboute it, may sell The same and pay some legacies before given, to whom they shall see meete presently. After my estate is prised, the debts and these legacies being paid, and my desire in this my will being Attended, I doe hereby give the remaining parte of my Estate to my son Samuel Stockinge, both howsinge, Land and whatever else is not given away before, for him to possess and Injoy for ever. I doe also make my son Samuel Stocking Executor. Also, my will is that all my Land shall pay, according to the proportion, to the mayntenance of the Ministry at the new Meeting house in Hartford. I have desired my two friends Gregory Wolterton and Lt. Thomas Bull to see my will performed. In witness whereof I have heare unto set my hand. Dated this 15 day of July, in the year of our Lord God 1673.
Witness: Gregory Wolterton, George Grave, sen.
George X Stocking.

The above will was never proven. On 11 Nov 1683, George Stocking drafted another document, never signed or witnessed, which was intended to replace the will. The provisions were as follows.
The land my son Sam Stocking & his son Samuel hath taken & improved on the west side the great river at Midlton, I do give to them. One-third of the rest of the land that fell to me in Midleton I do reserve to my disposal. That land that Thomas Stoe & Sam Stocking have in hsall be to them. To John Stocking I give my 11 acres of meadow in Hartford South Meadow and so much as to build to extend from the highway to the fence to my lot at the barn end. Five acres more or less that lies next that land I gave Sam'll Benton, I given to John Stocking; it lies near the wolf pound. The rest of my homelot to my grandsons, Georg & Ebenezer Stocking; the remainder of my homelot & House & barn to be equally divided. My land at Midleton I give to my grandchildren that have nothing to be so divided between them that no child may have above 20 acres upon which they may settle themselves & build cottages. [I wonder if this should have been two acres - he seems to not have owned all that much acreage.] I confirm to John Richards that acres of meadow land I gave him. My daughters shall have portions of lands with my grandchildren.

George Stocking died 25 May 1683. His Inventory was taken by Nathaniel Willet, Thomas Bunce, John Easton in Middletown on 6 Jun 1683. It included one Bible, one sermon book, a pair of spectacles, 1 comb.
Court Record, p.73 6 Sep 1683 Inventory of the Estate of George Stocking was exhibited. Administration to Samuel Stocking. Total of the estate was over 255£, 211£ of which was real estate:
a homelot of 3 and a half acres and the housing
2 and a half acres of upland next to John Bunce, north & Paul Peck, south
9 acres lying at the wolf pound of which Samuel Benton saith 4 acres is his
20 acres in the West Division
5 acres in the South Meadow
4 acres in the swamp in the South Meadow
2 acres in the South Meadow at Pequit's Haed

p.78 18 Dec 1683 This Court have viewed the Last Will & Testament of George Stocking together with what Stocking hath declared to George Stocking & Capt Allyn & his declaration of his will in part contradicting, the Judge states that the will presented is of no value & therefore the Court distributes the Estate as followeth: To Samuel Stocking 100£. To Hannah Benton's children, 41£. To wife of John Richards, 41£. To wife of Samuel Olcott, 41£. To John Stocking, who hath lived with George Stocking, his grandfather, for some years, the remainder of the Estate, being 34£. Marshall George Grave & Thomas Bunce to make this distribution.
[It appears the widow had died since she received nothing. There was possibly another son, deceased before his father, who was the father of John Stocking.]

27 May 1685 Court of Assistants noted that there was dissatisfaction about the distribution of the estate of George Stocking. There is now mutual agreement between John Stocking in behalf of himself & his father, dec'd, and John Richards and Samuell Olcott in behalf of their wives, and the children of Andrew Benton Senior, that the distribution made by the County Court, Dec 18th last, shall stand only John Richards was to have 41£ and will now have 42£; Samuel Ocott 42£ and the children of Andrew Benton, 42£, and John Stocking to have but 31£. Marshal Grave, John Skinner & Thomas Bunce are to make distribution.

There is an unsolved problem concerning the heir John Stocking. In George Stocking's original will of 1673 - only one son, Samuel, was noted. In the document George wrote in 1882, he mentioned his son Samuel and a son of Samuel, also named Samuel. He also gave a gift of land to a John Stocking, but did not state his relationship. When the court distributed the estate 18 Dec 1683, refusing the will, a settlement of 100£, more than twice what the daughters or their heirs received, was made to Samuel Stocking [presumably the son - yet he had died 3 Dec 1683, according to The Stocking Ancestry, his will proved 23 Apr 1684]. A settlement was also made to John Stocking who had lived with his grandfather George Stocking for some years, a slightly less sum than the daughters of George. On 27 May 1684, there was some adjustment in the amounts received by the daughters, their heirs or their husbands, and John Stocking. It does say the agreement was made by John Stocking in behalf of himself and his father deceased. Samuel Stocking did not figure in these adjustments and was not mentioned in this later agreement. It would seem that John could be the son of an unknown son of George - or was he another son of Samuel? The Stocking Ancestry does list a son of Samuel as a John, b. 24 Sep 1860, and described as "a distracted person" who died unmarried - was he perhaps mentally handicapped in some way and needed care so his grandfather was providing for him? Yet he seems to have made his own agreement with the courts. There is a note that John was adjudged to be mentally incapable of selling his estate in 1698.

George Stocking's name is inscribed on the Founders Monument, a tall obelisk, located Center Church at the corner of Main & God Street. It is the place of Center Church whose first minister was Thomas Hooker, and the location of the Ancient Burying Ground. At the top, "In Memory of the First Settlers of Hartford". The inscription at the bottom, "Erected by the Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford; 1986; To Celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the City; This Stone Replaces the Original Sandstone Monument of 1837". Names are inscribed on all sides - the photo showing George Stocking's name also includes that of William Spencer, husband of my Gateway Ancestor, Agnes Harris.


BirthAbt 1582Suffolk, England
MarriageEngland - Anne [Stocking]
DeathBef 25 May 1683Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut


SpouseAnne [Stocking] ( - 1682)
ChildDeacon Samuel Stocking ( - 1683)
ChildHANNAH Stocking ( - 1672)
ChildLydia Stocking ( - )
ChildSarah Stocking (1637 - )
ChildMary Stocking (1640 - )
