Individual Details

John R. "Red Head" Price

(1775 - Bef Feb 1856)

Some have believed this man was the son of John R. Price who married Miriam Combs - that no longer seems possible, given his age. And John R. Price did not marry Miriam until 1805 - she could have been a second wife given his age, and he could have had an earlier family, but I have no record to indicate that.

This John Price is consistently listed in the tax records of Logan Co KY as John Price, redhead, to distinguish him from the other John Prices that lived in Logan Co.

There is a peculiar situation regarding the wife/wives of John R. Price. Obviously his wife was named Elizabeth on 27 Mar 1846 when he wrote his will. There is a marriage of John R. Price to Elizabeth Scarborough on 30 Nov 1847, in Logan Co KY which is more than a year after he named an Elizabeth in the will. In the 1850 Census, John R. Price is 75 years old; the lady living in his household is Elizabeth, age 31, born in Tennessee. Apparently John was married to an Elizabeth who was the mother of all his children; she died following the writing of his will; he soon remarried to Elizabeth Scarborough.

Logan Co WB H, p.431-434 John R. Price 27 Mar 1846
To Elizabeth, wife, support for her lifetime. To Albert Price, grandson, son of deceased son Greenberry Price, $600 to be paid to executor for his benefit at age 21 or upon his marriage. Nine equal shares then to the following:
William Dixon Price, son
Patsy Harrison, dau, wife of Samuel Hannan
Samuel Price, son
Polly Harrison, dau, wife of Thomas Hannan
Nancy, dau, wife of Fielding Wilson
Thomas Price, son
children & heirs of James Price, deceased son
Sally Johnson, dau, wife of John P. Johnson
John Price, son.
If Albert dies before 21 with no heirs, his legacy to be divided among the others. John P. Johnson can have no control over his wife's legacy & if she dies before him, a trustee is to control her legacy for benefit of children. The 100 acres on which Sally lives shall be under the same and she shall be charged $300 for said land. Executors to keep $200 with 6% interest from 16 Jan 1840 until the debt contracted by John & Greenberry (dec'd) is paid (hold from John Price's legacy.) Money to be paid to heirs of Greenberry. If grandson Albert is dec'd this money to be paid to his mother, Mrs. Catharine Price, widow of Greenberry.
Executors: William Dixon Price, son, and Fielding Wilson, son-in-law.
Wit: Gabriel Lewis, John G. Lewis. Signed: John R. Price.
Date of probate: 22 Feb 1856.


Marriage30 Nov 1847Logan County, Kentucky - Elizabeth Scarborough
DeathBef Feb 1856Logan County, Kentucky
MarriageElizabeth [Price]


SpouseElizabeth [Price] ( - )
ChildGreenbury W. Price ( - 1846)
ChildWilliam Dixon Price (1799 - 1866)
ChildPatsy Price (1803 - 1860)
ChildMary Ann "Polly" Price (1805 - 1882)
ChildJohn Price (1804 - )
ChildSamuel Price (1806 - 1867)
ChildSarah "Sally" Price ( - )
ChildJames Price ( - 1846)
ChildNancy Price (1810 - 1866)
ChildThomas Price (1812 - )
SpouseElizabeth Scarborough (1819 - )
