Individual Details

Catharine Garnett

( - )

Catharine Garnett initiated the lawsuit against the estate of her grandmother in 1828, with the help of her next friend, John Garnett, quite possibly a brother or other Garnett relative. The suit states that Catherine's grandmother, Catherine Stockton widow of Robert Stockton, deceased, died 6 Oct 1825. The grandmother died intestate leaving a negro girl Eliza about 9 or 10 years old. When the slave Eliza was sold for $257, the money was divided in 12 parts.
Three parts to Catherine Garnett [the shares of Reuben, B. Joseph B. & James P. Stockton her uncles who had given her rights to the slave.
One part to Samuel B. Robertson as husband of Nancy Stockton
One part to Richard Garnett as husband of Docia Stockton
One part to William Herrin as husband of Unity Stockton
One part to Lowry Bishop as husband of Catharine Stockton
One part to James Hall as husband of Prudence Stockton
One part to be divided among children & grandchildren of Rachel Stockton Howard
One part to be divided among the children & grandchildren of Dolly Stockton Thompson
One part to be divided among the children of Fanny Hall
One part to be divided among the children of Robert Stockton, Jr.


FatherRichard Garnett ( - )
MotherTheodocia D. "Docia" Stockton (1780 - 1840)
SiblingMariah Garnett ( - )