Individual Details

George Thomas Blakey

(5 Feb 1822 - Mar 1904)

In the family Bible of George & Margaret Blakey, he is listed as Geo. G. Blackey.

George and Sarah Ellen were 2nd cousins; great grandchildren of William Whitsitt.

Living in George's household in 1850 were Sarah, the older two children, as well as Jerry Bass age 50, born VA and George Young age75, relationship unknown.


Birth5 Feb 1822Russellville, Logan County, Kentucky
Marriage15 Feb 1844Logan County, Kentucky - Sarah Ellen McLean
DeathMar 1904


SpouseSarah Ellen McLean (1826 - 1914)
ChildSusan Blakey (1846 - )
ChildWilliam Blakey (1849 - )
ChildLucile Blakey (1859 - 1940)
FatherCol. William Whitsitt Blakey (1792 - 1824)
MotherSusan Churchill Breathitt (1801 - 1830)
SiblingSarah Ann Elizabeth Blakey (1823 - )
SiblingWilliam W. B. Blakey (1825 - 1825)
