Individual Details

Matthew Kinchen

(Abt 1707 - Bef 24 May 1736)

No children are listed for this couple. Elizabeth Ruffin was the daughter of Robert Ruffin Jr.

The Ruffin family information on the Clopton homepage has the following very confusing data. I believe Elizabeth Ruffin was married to MATTHEW Kinchen, a son of William Kinch & Elizabeth Joyner which also solves the date problems in the Clopton information. Another error in the Cloptom information is that the children given for Elizabeth Ruffin are actually probably the children of Elizabeth Joyner.
Elizabeth Ruffin, daughter of Robert Ruffin and Elizabeth Watkins, is said to have married twice. The birth data given for her father Robert is 1681, Surry Co VA. She is said to have married (1) Richard Cocke Sr. by whom she had sons Richard Jr & John. Richard Cocke Jr said to have been born about 1749, died 1816 in Isle of Wight Co. Then she's said to have married William Kinchen about 1705 and he died 1734. [IF Elizabeth Ruffin's father Robert was born in 1681, it's doutful that she would have been born by 1705, much less of an age to marry. The birth of Richard Cocke Jr in 1749 took place some 15 years after the death of William Kinchen, supposedly the 2nd husband. [Either a date is in error, or the wrong Elizabeth has been attached to William Kinchen.] Children listed for Elizabeth Ruffin and William Kinchen are Matthew, Elizabeth, Martha, Patience who married Ethelred Taylor and William Kinchen II.[These seem to be the children of William Kinchen & Elizabeth Joyner - I don't believe that Matthew had any children.]

11 Feb 1734-35. COLONIAL BERTIE CO NC DEED BOOK D-24 William Williams & wife Deborah to MATHEW KINCHIN of Isle of Wight Co VA 300 acres on SS Maherring River. Adj. Francis Boykins, James Turner. Part of patent to James Turner by Hon. Charles Eden 1 Mar 1719. Wit: Samuel Taylor, jurat, W. KINCHIN, William Arrington. Feb Ct. 1733.

11 Feb 1735. COLONIAL BERTIE CO NC DEED BOOK D-25 Joseph Wall & wife Mary to Samuel Taylor of Surry Co VA 100 acres part of 640 acres granted to James Turner by Charles Eden on 1 Mar 1719 and made over Aug 1727 by James Turner to Joseph Wall. SS Maherring River. In actual possession of Samuel Taylor. Adj. James Howell, Sen., Samuel Taylor, Edward Hood, Thomas Howell. At Reedy Branch. Wit: John Simpson, Ma. KINCHEN [Mathew?], Samuel Hollyman. Feb Ct 1733

COLONIAL BERTIE CO NC Note of p.110 of Book: pp. 243-244 are missing. Index to Book D shows that deeds 244 Kirby to Ward and 243 MCKINNE TO KINCHIN would appear here.

1 Nov 1736 COLONIAL BERTIE CO NC DEED BOOK E-39 WILLIAM KINCHEN, SEN. To George Williams 300 acres paid to George Williams to MATTHEW KINCHEN, Dec’d of Isle of Wight Co which I acknowledge in behalf of MATTHEW KINCHEN. Adj. Francis Boykins. Part of patent to James Turner granted by Hon. Charles Eden containing 540 acres dated 1 Mar 1709. In Cypress Swamp on NS Maherring River. Made over May 1733 to William Williams & by William Williams to MATTHEW KINCHEN. Now in possession of George Williams. Wit: John Edwards, jurat, R. Williams. Nov Ct. 1736

In the name of God, Amen I Matthew Kinchen in the County of Isles of Wight do make & declare this my last Will and Testament. Revoking all other and former Wills. In manner and forme following Testes: I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to buried at the satisfaction of my Executors hereafter named and for my real and personal Estate I give and dispose these in manor and form following(viz.)
I give unto my Dear and loving Mother Elizabeth Kinchen two Negro by name Harry & Janey that is the use of them during her Natural life and all my part of the Old household goods that was given me a cording as is mentioned in my Fathers Will. I give the uses of it unto my said Mother during her Natural life. I give unto my said Mother Ten pounds money to her & her heirs for ever, also it is my Will & desire that my said Mother Elizabeth Kinchen have her bread corn at the Mill. It is my Will & desire that my said Mother have the liberty of the Parlor in my New house during her life and half the lands belonging to the said Plantation wherein I now live during her life. I give unto my loving Brother William Kinchen these Negros by name Tom, Hannah and London which he has already in his posession to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my dear and loving wife Elizabeth Kinchen five hundred pounds in Money to her my said wife and her heirs forever and One Hundred pounds Sterling in goods to my said wife her heirs forever. I give unto my said wife the use of seven Negros by names, Dick, Robin, Abraham, Jammy, Luke, Phillis and Judy during her Widowhood also I give unto my said wife the use of half the lands belonging to the said Plantation whereon I now live and the use of one going Mill which is on the said land and all my part of cattle and Hogs belonging to the said plantation and if my said wife should be with child and she delivered of a Son then it is my Will and desire that all the above begueathd land, Tenements, Negros & Mill and aforesaid after the death of my said Mother and Marriage of my said Wife Return and be unto him & his heirs that is if he live to the age of twenty one years.
Item: I give unto my Mother Elizabeth Kinchen those plates ------ and one piece of yard wide.
Also it is my will & desire that if my said wife be delivered a son as aforsaid, then I give unto him all my lands of Plantation lying and=== in Isle Wight County on the South side Nottaway River being=======land bought of Christopher Killbee and all the stock of lau======and all seven Negros by name Mingo Jack Simon Sam M=======and Doll to him & his heirs forever. But if my said wife be delivered of a Daughter then I give unto her the same Negros that is above mentioned to my wife and the ========Negros given to my Mother and two hundred pounds Current money to her and heirs forever, but if my said wife should not be with child with neither son or daughter then I give the above lands and cattels as followeth, I give unto William Taylor Son of Ethaldred Taylor the one half of my said Land that is on the South side Nottaway River and all the stock of cattle and hogs and two Negros by name Jack and Mall, to him the said William Taylor and his heirs forever.
I give unto William Jones son of my sister Elizabeth Exum two Negros by name Mingo & Doll to him and his heirs forever. And the other half of the said land being the upper end I give unto William Jarrell and one Negro man called Simon and two thirds the cattle and hogs and the principle stock to him & heirs forever he performing the articles of agreement with------MacKinne that is made between me and him.
I give unto my Mother Elizabeth Kinchin one Negro man called Sam to her and her disposing.
I give unto William Kinchen son of my Brother William Kinchen the plantation whereon I now live and all the land therein belonging to him and his heirs forever and also one mill & still that is on the land. All the horses & Mares that belong to the Plantation where I now live I give to my Mother and my wife for their use I give unto my loving wife Elizabeth Kinchen all the furniture that belongs to my new dwelling House.
I give unto my loving uncle Thomas Joyner three guineas. I give unto my loving friend John Dunkley three guineas. And all the rest of my Estate Goods & chattles whatsoever I give unto my brother William Kinchen and my three sisters Elizabeth Martha and Patience and James Godwins three children James, Martha & Matthew and I do appoint my loving Brothers in law Thomas Jarrel & Ethelred Taylor my whole and sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this fourth day of March 1735/6 Signed Sealed & declared
in presents of Mm. Kinchen
John Dunkley, Tho. Joyner, Edward Burton (or Buxton?)
At a court held for Isle of Wight County May ye 24th 1736
The last will and testament of Matthew Kinchen deced. was presented in court by Thomas Jarrel Jun. & Ethelrod Taylor the Executors therin named who made oaths there to according to law and being proved by the oaths of all the witnesses there to is admitted to record.
Test James Baker--------
Viva Recordation Teste: James Baker


BirthAbt 1707Isle of Wight County, Virginia
DeathBef 24 May 1736Isle of Wight County, Virginia


FatherWilliam Kinchen ( - 1735)
MotherElizabeth Joyner (1670 - 1742)
SiblingWilliam Kinchen II (1697 - 1781)
SiblingElizabeth Kinchen ( - )
SiblingSarah Kinchen ( - )
SiblingMartha Kinchen (1713 - )
SiblingPatience Kinchen (1715 - 1766)
