Individual Details

Charles Stearns

(Bet 1620 and 1625 - )

Information on the Stearns family comes from GENEALOGY AND MEMOIRS OF CHARLES AND NATHANIEL STEARNS, AND THEIR DESCENDANTS by Mrs. Avis Stearns Van Wagenen; Syracuse, NY, Courier Printing Co, 1901.


BirthBet 1620 and 1625Nayland, Suffolk County, England
Marriage22 Jun 1654Rebecca Gibson
MarriageHannah [Stearns]


SpouseHannah [Stearns] ( - 1651)
ChildSamuel Stearns (1650 - )
SpouseRebecca Gibson ( - )
ChildShubael Stearns (1655 - 1734)
ChildJohn Stearns (1657 - 1722)
ChildIsaac Stearns (1658 - )
ChildCharles Stearns Jr. ( - 1695)
ChildRebecca Stearns (1661 - 1746)
ChildMartha Stearns ( - )
