Individual Details
Higgason Harris
(3 Apr 1774 - )
Madison Co Marriage: Higgason Harris to Ann Garland. Bond 15 Dec 1800. Jesse McMahan, Bondsman. Thomas Garland, father of the bride. Return dated 16 Dec 1800.
Higgason's brother Tyree also married a daughter of Thomas Garland
Data about Thomas Garland found online. Not checked by me:
Thomas Garland of Amherst Co. VA is the most likely candidate
for our ancestor. Thomas was likely born between 1745 and 1760
and was still living in 1810 with some fairly young children in
the household. Abstracts of Madison Co., KY, marriages
indicates that Thomas Garland was the father of the brides,
Nancy and Sarah (Sally) Garland, and that Jesse Harmon was the
bondsman for Nancy. Thomas sold land in Amherst about 1793 and
disappears from Amherst records. Records show that Thomas
Garland of Amherst's wife was Mary...
On 22 Nov 1783, Lincoln Co. (later Madison Co), KY, Jno Garland
filed 3 entries on a branch of Casey's Creek/River; on 1 Jan
1784, an entry below Bryant's Lick; total size about 70,000
In 1800, John Garland and Thomas Garland appear on Madison Co.
tax lists (1800 census of KY).
Thomas Garland, over 45, appears in the 1810 Madison Co., KY
Father | Robert Harris (1749 - 1833) |
Mother | Nancy Grubbs (1749 - ) |
Sibling | Lucy Harris (1770 - ) |
Sibling | Mary Harris (1780 - ) |
Sibling | Tyree Harris (1782 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth "Betsy" Harris (1782 - ) |
Sibling | Nancy Harris (1785 - ) |
Sibling | Catherine "Kate" Harris (1787 - ) |
1. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.