Individual Details

Joseph Perkins

( - )

Goochland DB 14
p.131 22 Oct 1784 David Perkins of Mecklinburg Co to Charles Nicholas Perkins, orphan of Walker Perkins dec'd of Goochland. 200#'s paid by Walker Perkins. 260 acres devised to me by my dec'd father Constant Perkins. Bounded by William Pollard, Thomas Underwood, Joseph Perkins, Joseph Pollard, & John Shelton.
Signed: David Perkins
Wit: Joseph Perkins, Ezekiel Purkins, John Bowles
21 Feb 1785 Proved by oaths of witnesses.

p.137 20 Dec 1784 Joseph Perkins & Elizabeth his wife to Thomas Massie. 267 #'s. 258 acres on the waters of little Byrd Creek. Bounded by little Byrd, John Massie, John Smith, Giedon Anderson. Signed: Joseph Perkins
21 Feb 1785 Joseph Perkins acknowledged same

Goochland DB 15, p.301
23 May 1789 Joseph Perkins Jr & Elizabeth his wife & Stephen Giles Letcher & Elizabeth his wife to John Guerant Junr. 252#'s 10sh. 285 acres in counties of Goochland & Hanover on waters of Beaverdam & Turkey Crks. Tract of land now occupied by Mary Perkins, widow of Stephen Perkins & given by his last will & testament to the sd Joseph Perkins Junr. And a small tract lately sold by Rene Napier to Stephen Giles Letcher on North side of three Chpd Road. Bounded by lands of Josiah Atkisson, Joseph Perkins, the estate of Constant Perkins dec'd, Mathew Nightingale, Joseph Polland, and John Guerant Jr, Benjamin Cocke, James Cocke and the land of Stephen Giles Letcher formerly the property of Betty Napier. Signed: Joseph Perkins Jr. Elisabeth (x) Perkins, Stephen G. Letcher, Elisabeth Letcher
Wit: David Garth, John Price, Wm Price Jr. David Royston, Jos Lewis, D. Guerant
Ack 15 Jun 1789 by Perkins & Letcher
Commissioners had to visit both wives for dower release
Stephen Perkins dec'd also had a brother named Joseph - perhaps that's why this Joseph is “Junr” Stephen Letcher was married to Stephen Perkins' daughter Elizabeth

Joseph & Elizabeth had at least 10 childrn: Jesse who married Frances Hughes, William who married France C. Bowles, Stephen, Price, Susannah who married John Bickley Lashley, Sarah who married Martin Wash, Mary who married John Carroll, Joseph II, Hardin, b. aft 1790 in Goochland, d.bef 1840, Daniel.

This family lived in Goochland, then Lousia Co VA.


SpouseElizabeth Price (1758 - 1843)
ChildStephen Perkins (1781 - 1821)
FatherStephen Perkins (1717 - 1772)
MotherMary Hughes ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Perkins ( - )
SiblingBenjamin Perkins ( - )
SiblingStephen Perkins Jr. ( - )
SiblingHannah Perkins ( - )