Individual Details


(1689 - 1770)

Henrico Co Court 1696. Thomas Williamson brought in William Sowes and Theo. Carter as his security for the estate of Daniel Price, orphan, in the hands of Thomas Williamson.
ADVENTURERS OF PURSE & PERSON has a bit different interpretation of this item. William Sewell & Thodorick Carter "voluntarily offer them selves secu'ty for the Estate belonging to Danll. Price's orpts. in the hand of Thos. Williamson" This obviously indicates that there was more than one child as orphan of Daniel Price.

During Jun Court of 1711, Daniel Price declared he had received his full part of his dec'd father's estate from Thomas Williamson who had intermarried with Susan, his mother. He acquitted the said Thomas Williamson from any future claims to his said dec'd father Dan'l Price's estate.
ADVENTURERS OF PURSE & PERSON indicates that this receipt was in June of 1714.

A deed of Aug 1692, indicates an earlier partnership of William Porter Junior and Daniel Price Sr and secured Daniel Jr's portion of the joint patent Porter had taken up with his father 21 Aug 1689. Porter refers to Daniel as Daniel-John Price, the youngest son of the deceased Daniel Price - indicating that their were other children of Daniel Price and Susannah Carter. When Daniel later sold this parcel, he signed the deed simply Daniel Price. This deed is apparently the only reference to Daniel as Daniel John.
On 7 Jun 1714, Daniel Price sold to Patrick Burk, 50 acres in Henrico Co at the head of Deep Run, bounding the lines of William and Joseph Watkins, being part of a greater divided granted by patent to Danl Price Sr and Wm Porter.

On 19 Sep 1732, Ashford Hughes of Goochland sold 400 acres to Daniel Price - the land had been taken up by Hughes & Price and patented in both their names 27 Sep 1729. This land was on the South side of the James on Deep Creek, adjacent John Taylor, John Woodson, Mosby & Tabor. Witnesses were Stephen Hughes, William Lewis and Robert Stapleton.
On 18 Apr 1738 Daniel Price of Henrico sold to Milo Gathright of Goochland land on the South side of the James, adj John Taylor, John Woodson, Deep Creek, Mosley. Mary, wife of Daniel, relinquished her dower rights.

In December of 1735, Daniel Price along with William Lewis & Henry Hatcher was ordered to Procession land in Henrico Co from the mouth of Gilley's Creek to Wm Lewis' on Chickahominy Swamp.

Daniel was a church warden & vestryman of Henrico Parish.

Henrico DB 1750-1774
p.719 9 Oct 1742. Bond of Edward Watkins to James Cocke Gent. for 500£ and to end a suit for settling a divisional line. James Cocke 2 years since commenced a chancerty suit against Edward Watkins to run a divisional line pursuant to agreement and deed made to the said James Cocke by William & James Watkins. Said line now determed in begin at black shrub oak between Edward Watkins and Daniel Price, each side the main stream of Deep Run and up Chickahominay Swamp, adj. Edward Curd & Daniel Price to include Cocke's land purchased of William and James Watkins. Signed; Edward [E] Watkins. Wit: Andrew Barclay, Samuel Thompson. Rec 5 Apr 1762 [20 years later]

The will of Daniel Price was dated 21 Feb 1767 and proved 5 Mar 1770 in Henrico Co. He gave to his son John Price the plantation he was already living on. Son Daniel Price to receive the plantation his father lived on with lands adjoining on the Chickahominy Swamp. Daughter Elizabeth Oglesby was to receive a slave that would go to her son Jesse Oglesby upon her death, or if he should not live, to grandaughter Ann Curd. [Elizabeth was married first to John Curd and then to Richard Oglesby.] Daughter Hannah Harwood, a slave. To grandaughter Elizabeth Harwood, a slave. Three sons, John, Daniel and William to receive the remainder, paying each daughter 5 £. They were executors as well. Witnessess: Richard Williamson [half-brother of Daniel], Thomas Watkins.


Birth1689Henrico County, Virginia
Death1770Henrico County, Virginia
MarriageMARY Hughes


SpouseMARY Hughes ( - 1770)
ChildWILLIAM Price ( - 1793)
ChildJohn Price (1714 - 1782)
ChildDaniel Price (1725 - 1774)
ChildElizabeth Price ( - )
ChildHannah Price ( - )
FatherDANIEL Price (1648 - 1692)
MotherSUSANNAH Carter (1671 - )