Individual Details

THOMAS Williamson

( - 1742)

Thomas & Susannah appear to be the most likely parents of Hannah & Cuthbert. Other parents are seen in various places. Other children may have been John, Mary, George, Susannah & Thomas - although I've not found proof for all. The elder Thomas may be a relative of the Cuthbert Williamson who lived in Charles City County as early as 1661. This early Cuthbert and his wife were murdered on 24 May 1678 and there is apparently no evidence in the Charles City County repositories that they had children.

The following deed proves the father of Thomas:
Henrico Co Deed:
24 Feb 1693. Thomas Williamson, son and heir of Cutbert Williamson, Dec'd, of Henrico, planter, to William Byrd of Westover in Charles City Co, Esq. For 20#'s sterling, all that parcel of land left him by his father on the North side of the James River in Charles City, bounding on the Berkly Patent on one side and Kemidges Creek on the other, by patnet 16 Jun 1675, granted to his father Cutbert Williamson, containing 144 acres and 32 poles, now in the tenure of John Williamson.
Signed: Thomas (TW) Williamson
Wit: Dan'll Johnson, Richard R. Gower, John Ridley
Thomas Williamson acknowledged this deed 3 Apr 1694. His wife relinquished dower (apparently did not sign and was not named)

Thomas is also seen in databases online as the son of a George Williamson and Esther Bridger of Isle of Wight - they apparently did have a son named Thomas but some say they cannot be the same without explanation. George in turn was son of a Robert Williamson who is said to have died in 1670, Isle of Wight. Just the given names of George & Robert would make me think this is indeed not Thomas's family, and the location is wrong.

On 1 Jun 1696 Thomas Williamson brought into Court in Henrico Co, William Sewell & Theodorick Carter [Susannah's brother] who voluntarily offered themselves as security for the estate belonging to Daniel Price's orpts. in the hand of Thos. Williamson [There were apparently children other than Daniel since this appears to be plural but they are not known and no record had ever been found.]

HENRICO CO VIRGINIA DEEDS 1706-1737, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1985
31 Oct 1707 John Pleasants of Henrico to Richard Cock [Cocke] of Waynoak Parish, Charles City Co ...126 acres N side James R. in possession of Thomas Williamson, one other tract of 500 acres on north wide of James River on both sides of White Oak Swamp, now in possession of Elizabeth Warriner, widow & Amy Gartright, widow, and Richard Trueman, tenants to said Richard Cock. Both being part of a greater tract taken up by Richard Cock, father of said Richard Cocke. Wit: Dan'l Clarke, Henry (H) Watkins Sr, Henry (H) Watkins Jr. Signed: John Pleasants, Dorothy Pleasant.
[Richard Trueman was married to Mary Woodson, sister of Obadiah Woodson.]
3 Dec 1707 Benjamin Woodson of Henrico, planter, to James Batty of Charles City Co, planter, a tract in Henrico Parish on N side James R which was formerly sold to Thomas Williamson by Richard Cocke of Charles City Co and by Williamson to said Woodson on 1 Jun 1706. Land is bounded by Turkey Island Creek where the western branch runneth in, formerly belonging to William Lewis, Henry Watkins and Thomas Watkins. 125 acres.

VA Patent Bk 12, p.136 22 Feb 1724 Thomas Williamson of Henrico. 200A N side James R. Begin on Jordan's branch of Ufnam Brook. Imp 3 persons.
VA Patent Bk 14, p.436 11 Apr 1732 Thomas Williamson. 400A Goochland near Appomattox R adj Henry Breazeal, Richard Williamson, William Randolph Esqr & Ralph Hudspeath.

Found online, WorldConnect file. Entries marked as Henrico Co VA Records

August 1, 1694. Giles and Theodorick Carter witnessed a deed of Richard Cocke, Jr., of Carles City Co., to Thomas Williamson, of Henrico County.

August 1, 1696. I, John Burgany, as marrying Michelle Harris, acknowledge to have received of Thomas Williamson and Susan, his wife, administratrix of the estate of Daniel Price, deceased, 600 pounds of tobacco, being wages in full. Dated 1 June 1696.

December 10, 1701. A deed was recorded at the court held at Varina Parish for 550 acres sold by John Cocke to Thomas Williamson. The land was described as a parcel sold to Cocke by Giles Carter, Sr.

May 6, 1717. Benjamin Woodson, of Henrico Co., to Richard Allen, of New Kent Co., for 30 pounds, land with plantation on south side of Chickahominy Swamp, 200 acres bounded by Nowell Burton and Thomas Williamson. Sarah, wife of Woodson, relinquished her dower right. Witnessed by Thomas Clark and William May. Recorded May 6, 1717. (pp. 58, 59)

April 1, 1718. Thomas and Susannah Williamson of Varina Parish, Henrico Co., VA, sold 200 acres on the Chickahominy Swamp to Edmund Allen of Wilmington Parish, James City Co., Virginia, for 30 pounds. The land was bounded by Richard Woodson. Witnessed by Nowell Burton and Thomas Harding. Recorded April 7, 1718. ( p. 67)

Henrico Deeds, p. 165, #7645095, img 269
4 Dec 1727 Thomas Williamson of Henrico to Daniel Price, son of John Price of Henrico. For love and affection to his grandson, transfer and affirm, after the decease of John Price and Hannah his wife, all that parcel of land on Upham Brook, 100 acres, begin at main brook to a branch ccalled John's Branch, foot of Timber Branch. signed: Thomas (TW) Williamson. Wit: Elizabeth (x) Liptrel, Wm. Benson. Ack by Williamson, 5 Feb 1727.

Henrico Deeds, p. 189, #7645095, img 281
5 Aug 1728. Thomas Williamson of Henrico County for love and affection to his son Richard Williamson, land on north side of James River on main Chickahominy Swamp, below Indian Cabin branch, near Terapin branch, 425 acres. Witnessed by John Redford and Joel Walker. Signed Thomas (TW) Williamson. Acknowledged by Thomas Williamson the same day.

Henrico Deeds, p. 189, #7645095, img 281-2
August 5, 1728. Thomas Williamson of Henrico County for love and affection to Henry Hatcher and Susannah, his wife, daughter of said Thomas, 100 acres, where said Thomas lately lived. Witnessed by John Redford and Joel Walker. Signed Thomas (TW) Williamson. Acknowledged by Thomas Williamson the same day.

Henrico Deeds, p.244, #7645095, img 309
September 1, 1729. Thomas Williamson of County and Parish of Henrico for love and affection to my son-in-law William Lewis and my daughter Mary, his wife, land on south side of Chickahominy Swamp, 200 acres. Signed Thomas (TW) Williamson. Witnessed by Joel Walker, George Payne, and Tarlton Woodson. Scknowledged by Thomas Williamson on the same day.

May Court 1742. Will of Thomas Williamson presented by John Williamson, Cuthbert Williamson, and Richard Williamson, his executors. (p. 182)


MarriageBef 1696Henrico County, Virginia - SUSANNAH Carter
Death1742Henrico County, Virginia


SpouseSUSANNAH Carter (1671 - )
ChildHannah Williamson (1698 - )
ChildCUTHBERT Williamson (1704 - 1743)
ChildRichard Williamson ( - 1771)
ChildSusannah Williamson ( - )
FatherCuthbert Williamson ( - 1678)
