Individual Details

Williamson Price

( - 1823)

Married on 31 May 1786 to Susannah Booker of Halifax Co VA.

1820 Census. Meadsville, Halifax, VA
Williamson Price: 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m over 45. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45. 19 Slaves.

1830 Census. Halifax, VA
Susannah Price: one female age 60-70

Unidentifed Newspaper clipping
1 Dec 1834
Commonwealth of Virginia to Sheriff of Halifax County.
Whereas Williamson Price heretofore exhibited in our county court of Halifax, his bill of complain against James Booker ...before a final decree could be pronouned, the said Price and James Booker departed this life. James Bruce, late sheriff of Halifax and administrator of the said Williamson Price and Susanna Price have filed their bill review ...revived against Susanna Booker, Daniel P. Booker, Joel Lee and Frances is wife, Barnett B. Moore and Lydia his wife, Nicholas Booker, Susan Booker, Fayette Booker, Thomas Booker, and Samuel Booker, the widow and children of the said James Booker, dec. (etc)

Revolutionary War Pension File # W583 Virginia
wife, Susannah
15 Nov 1838. Susannah Price, aged 67, appeared in court to obtain benefit of the Act of Congress, 7 Jul 1838, granting pensions to certain widows. She is the widow of Williamson Price, late of Halifax County who was a soldier in the War of Revolution. She has no personal knowledge of his service but he believes he served at least six months for which she claims a pension. Williamson Price died 27 June 1823. She was not married to him prior to his serving. Signed: Susannah Price.
15 Nov 1838 Declaration of Thomas L. Spragins, Justice of the Peace of Halifax Co stated he was well acquainted with Susanna Price. She is old and feeble and cannot attned the county court from bodily infirmity. She is a credible person and her statements entitled to full confidence.
20 Oct 1838. Declaration of Thomas Harvey, Charlotte County Court. He was well acquainted with Williamson Price, late of Charlotte during the Revolutionary War and knows that he served at least six months in the militia service in the South in the years, 1780 and 1781. He was drafted first under Capt. Willaims for three months and marched to Camber and was in the first battle fought at that place, august 1780. He served three months on this occasion. He was then drafted in the militia under Capt Wm. Morton for three months, marched to North Carolina where he was engaged in the battle of Guilford, March 1781, and served three months faithfully. He was in other service afterworda. I further certify his widow, is still alive, a resident in county of Halifax, and has remained a widow since the death of Williamson Price.
From Halifax County, William Scott, Clerk of the county Court certificed that there was a record in their office - Williamson Price and Susanna Booker were married the thirty-first day of May, 1786. 20 Nov 1838. Wm. Hall, CHC
22 Dec 1838. Wm Hall, Clerk of Halifax County Court certified that the last will and testament of Williamson Price, was admitted to record 25 Aug 1823 and Thomas L. Spriagins was a duly commissed magistrate of the County.
Certificate of Pension was issued to Susannah Price, 3rd day of Aug 1839.




FatherWILLIAM Price ( - 1793)
MotherMARY Williamson (1733 - )
SiblingDaniel Price ( - 1804)
SiblingSamuel Price ( - 1801)
SiblingWilliam Price ( - )
SiblingNancy Price ( - )
SiblingMary W. "Polly" Price ( - )
SiblingSARAH Price (1772 - )
SiblingLucy Price ( - )
SiblingElizabeth Price ( - )
