Individual Details

Jemima Smith

( - Feb 1803)

WorldConnect Database: Relatives and Descendants of Patrick Brogan by
Anita Cantrell; Accessed 18 Sep 2006.
"A History of the Henry and Hackley Families" by Bessie Henry Page
Privately Published about 1935 Page 297-298
Jemima Merrill lived about thirty years after the death of Captain Merrill. She had one known child by her second husband, Harmon Butner, a daughter Ellen. She made her will, May 7, 1801 and it was proved in February 1803. Her will is recorded in Rowan County Will Book C, page 321, in Salisbury, North Carolina. In the index which lists all the children in the wills, all the children on Jemima Merrill Butner's will are listed as Merrills except Ellen who is listed as Ellen Butner. The following is a copy of the will:

Rowan Co Will Book C, p.321
In the name of God Amen! I, Jemima Butner in the County of Rowan and the state of North Carolina, being in perfect mind and memory but weakly in body and calling to mind my mortality, think proper to confirm my intensions by these presents, and in the first place I recommend my soul into the hands of the Almighty God, and my body to be decently buried, at the descretion of my Executors, and as touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with, I dispose, devise and give in manner and form following, that is to say,
1. I give and bequeath to my oldest son Samuel Merrill 14 pounds which I paid for the improvement whereon Smith Meril now lives, also twenty seven pounds which I paid in taking up a judgment that was against him, also my sorrel horse, also an equal part of all my moveable property, with the rest of my sons, my negroes except.
2. I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy my negro woman, Hagar, which is to be valuaded, and John, William and Charles Meril is to have an equal part of the value of said negroe in money; also I give one half of my wearing clothes to my daughter Nancy.
3. I give and bequeath to my daughter Ellien one negro girl named Rose, which is also to be valued and the above John, William and Charles Meril is to have an equal part of her value in money. I also give to my daughter Elline the other half of my wearing clothes.
4. I give and bequeath to my son Andrew Meril my negro boy named James, which is also to be valued and the above John Meril, William and Charles Meril to have an equal part of the value in money, also I give to my son Andrew an equal part of my moveable property, that I do not mention in my will.
5. I give to my son Jonathan Meril, my negro boy named David and he is to pay to my son Charles Meril ten pounds, current money, two years after my decease. I give also to my son Jonathan Meril and equal part with the rest of my sons of my moveable property which is not here mentioned or given.
6. I give to my son Elijah Meril an equal part of my moveable property which is not mentioned in this will.
Lastly, I also appoint, constitute an ordain, my son Andrew Meril and Jonathan Meril whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby revoke all other wills and testaments, at any time by me made, and in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 7th day of May, 1801.

Signed, sealed and declared
in the presence of Thomas
Durham, Azariah Merrell, Test.
Jemima X(her mark) Butner


MarriageAbt 1747New Jersey - Benjamin Merrill
DeathFeb 1803Rowan County, North Carolina


SpouseBenjamin Merrill (1730 - 1771)
ChildSamuel Merrill (1748 - 1803)
ChildJohn Merrill (1750 - 1838)
ChildAndrew Merrill (1752 - 1829)
ChildAnna Merrill (1754 - 1828)
ChildWilliam Merrill (1754 - )
ChildNancy Merrill (1756 - 1837)
ChildPenelope Merrill (1759 - 1830)
ChildCharles Merrill (1761 - 1822)
ChildElijah Merrill (1763 - )
ChildJonathan Merrill (1767 - )
