Individual Details
Lt.Col. Henry Dixon Jr.
(1740 - 17 Jul 1782)
CASWELL COUNTY WILL Henry Dixon Jr. 1782
In the name of God Amen the 11th day of Anno Domini 1782 I Henry Dixon
Jr., of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina Being of Sound
Memory But, Proposing to March with the Army to South Carolina and
calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that is a
appointed for all men
Once to die so make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is
to say, Principly (sic) and first of all I give and Recomend (sic) my
Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body I recomend
(sic) to the Earth to be Buried in Decent and Christian like Burial at
the Decression(sic) of my Executors not Doubting but at the General
Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of
God, and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God
to Bless me in this Live (sic) I give and Demise (sic) and Despose (sic)
of the Same in the following manner and form.
In premise I Lend to my Dearly Beloved Wife Martha my whole Estate
untill (sic) such time as my son Wynne Dixon Shall Arrive to the age of
Twenty one years old or
During her Widowhood and if She Should not Marry I lend her the Tract of
Land I now own and a Negro Woman Called Hannah During her Natural Life.
Item I give to my Beloved son Wynne Dixon the Tract or parcell (sic) of
Land I bought
of William Grenham lying on Hogans Branch of Hogans Creek in Caswell
Count and State of North Carolina Entered for Six Hundred and forty
Acres but is not Surveyed.
Item I give to my Beloved Son Roger Dixon a Tract or parcell (sic) of
Land lying on Johns Branch in Caswell County North Carolina for which there is a
Warrant for John Perkins South East Corner
Item I give to my Beloved son Henry Dixon after the Death or Marage(sic)
of my Dearly Beloved Wife the Tract or Parcell (sic) of Land whereon I now live which
is Entered for Six Hundred and forty Acres Beginning at Samuel Perkins North East
Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Elisabeth Dixon and
Francis Dixon one Certain Tract or parcell (sic) of Land lying on the
Waters of Rutledges Creek in the South Side of Dan River Joining the
Province line on Pytsylvania (sic) County State of Virginia Containing
Twelve Hundred and odd Acres to be equally Divided Between them.
Item it is my Desire that my Children should be Raised in Decent Manner
and Well Educated out of my Estate and that all the remainder of my
Consisting of Several Tracts of Land Several Slaves Stock
of all kin (sic) Household furniture money is to be Equally Divided
Between my Beloved wife and Children or as Many of them
as shall be living when my Eldest son is Twenty one years old and also
that the Negro woman Hannah lent to my Dearly Beloved wife
During her Natural life or Widowhood upon her Death or Marage (sic) should with her Increase be Equally Divided as above.
I do Constitute make and Ordain my Dearly Beloved wife Martha with her
Brother Thomas Wynne and Charles Dixon my Soul (sic) Executors
of this my Last Will and Testament In witness where of I have
hereunto set my hand and Seal the Day and year above written.
Caswell Co WB A, p.231
Dec. Court 1782 Inventory of estate of Col. Henry Dixon taken 2 Nov 1782 by Charles Dixon, Exec. Debtors to estate included Col. Peter Perkins.
WB E, p.63
Jan Court 1804.
Sale of estate of Henry Dixon Jun. left to his wife during her lifetime. Buyers: John William, C. Dixon for H. Dixon, John Bizor, Nat Williams. One negro boy John in hands of Armistead Flippin which legatees agreed he shall keep for his share of estate.
Oct Court 1807 Charles Dixon, dec'd was executor of Henry Dixon Jun, dec'd. In aacount with legatees of Henry. 75,000 in certificates issued for soldiers bounty at 880 for one. Divided among 8 legatees [only seven listed - Roger, dec'd, was listed twice]:
Martha Dixon, widow
Wynn Dixon
Roger Dixon's heirs
Robert Dixon [he was deceased as well]
Nathaniel Williams in right of his wife Frances [Elizabeth married Nathaniel Williams. Frances married Armistead Flippen. Elizabeth would be the missing legatee. Probably error in abstract.]
John Williams in right of wife Susannah
Henry Dixon
Paid John Bysor for heirs of Roger Dixon
Birth | 1740 | Dinwiddie County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | 15 Sep 1763 | Halifax County, Virginia - Martha Frances Wynne | |||
Death | 17 Jul 1782 | Caswell County, North Carolina |
Spouse | Martha Frances Wynne ( - 1804) |
Child | Lt. Wynne Dixon (1764 - 1832) |
Child | Roger Dixon (1768 - 1795) |
Child | Robert Dixon (1770 - 1800) |
Child | Elizabeth Dixon (1772 - ) |
Child | Frances Dixon (1775 - 1850) |
Child | Henry Dixon (1777 - 1858) |
Child | Susannah Dixon (1782 - 1840) |
Father | Henry Dixon Sr (1720 - 1795) |
Mother | Elizabeth Abernathy ( - ) |
1. Internet Home Page: Dixon
2. Internet Home Page: Dixon
3. Internet Home Page: Dixon