Individual Details

William Daniel Sr.

( - )

William Daniel was likely married to someone else prior to Jochebed as two of his children, William & Robert, were born just about a decade before the others.

Captain William Daniel wrote his will on 8 October 1694 in Middlesex County, Virginia, and it was probated on 3 October 1698. He named his wife, Jochebed, and his children:
(1) William Daniel
(2) Robert Daniel
(3) James Daniel
(4) Richard Daniel
(5) Agatha Daniel
(6) Catherine Daniel
(7) Elizabeth Daniel, described as one of the two youngest children
(8) Ann Daniel, described as one of the two youngest children

Sources show the couple had two more children, Mary and John, who died young

NOTE: This was transcribed by Sheryl Neal Slaughter in April, 2021 EXACTLY as written, including spelling, punctuation, and capitalization from the original, handwritten document from the above hyperlink. It was proofed and approved by Tamara Compton, another contributor on this line. DO NOT EDIT this transcription! If you disagree, please either send Sheryl a message requesting a change or add a source with your own transcription.


p. 1, 244 penciled in upper left corner) In ye name of god amen: I William Daniell Senr of ye County of Middles’x being sick and weak of body: but of sound mind and Memory Praised be god for ye same but being uncertain how soon it will please god to call me out of this world: do make & ordain this my Last will & Testament in manner & format following: and first I bequeath my Soul into ye hands of god who gave it. hoping through ye meritts of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to obtagne perfect Remission for all my sinns and to be received into his Everlasting Kingdom: & my body to ye Earth from whence it was taken to be decently buryed at ye discression of my Executrix hereafter named. And for such worldly goods and estate as god hath in Mercy bestowed upon me I dispose of ye same as followeth - Viz:
Item: I give to my Son William Daniel one hundred & fifty acres of Land on which he now Liveth: with all houses and appurtenances belonging to ye same being part of ye Three hundred acres of Land bought by me of Mr Christ Robinson Deceased. being ye part of ye Land addjoyning upon ye land of Daniel Long: to him and ye heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for ever, & for want of such heirs to my Loving son Robert Daniel & his heirs for ever,
Item: I give to my loving son William Daniell all ye cattle horses hoggs household goods, and one man servant named Wm Wood, ye which he is allready possessed of. & Twenty shillings to buy him a Ring. The Before mentioned being in full part of my estate I intend to my son Wm. Daniell.
Item: I give & Bequeath to my Loving Son Robert Daniell one hundred & fifty acres of land. whereon he now liveth being ye other part of the said three hundred acres of Land joyning on ye bryre Run and Thomas Cordwells Line with all houses, and appurtenances belonging to ye same. to him & ye heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for ever & for want of such heirs to my son Richard Daniell and to ye heirs of his body Lawfully begotten & for want of such heirs to my son James Daniell [two unreadable words] (p. 2, 244a) Daniell [sic] & to ye heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for ever & for want of such heirs to my daughter Agatha; Catherine Elizabeth. and Ann Daniell & their heirs for ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son. Robert Daniell one negro woman named Jugg and all other movables which he Is. possessed of with Twenty shillings to bye him a Ring. which shall be In full part of my Estate I Intend him,
Item: My Will Is that my Loving wife Jocebed Daniell shall have ye use & benifit of my plantation where I now Live, So Long as she shall Live, my mind & desire being that she shall keep and Imploye ye negroes and servan’ts I am now possed of & keep the stock of cattle & horses & hogs: and advance to Improve and Increase all the same to ye Jointe and Comon advantage Profitt and benefitt of herselfe and our dear Children hereafter named in such shaires & proportions as are hereafter mentioned & Expressed. That is to say, one third part of all ye said Negroes Servants Cattle horses & all other, my Personall Estate to be to ye proper use of my said dear wife. and all ye remainder of my Said Personall Estate. negroes. Servants Cattle horses. and ye due & proportionable shair of ye Increase Profit & benefitt of ye same. I give and bequeath, to my Loving Sonnes Richard & James Daniell & my Loving Daughters Agatha Katherine, Elizabeth. and Ann Daniell to be equally divided & paid to them as they come to full age. or Marry My will & mind being that my said wife at her discression shall maintayne our said Dear Children out of ye profits of my sd Estate Provided. & my will & mind is that in case my wife shall Marry then ye Personall estate to be divided as aforesaid And it is also my further will. & I do hereby bequeath to my said dear wife a Negro woman named Anatto. over & above her sd third part of my Personall estate she being contented w’th ye use of my Plantation as aforesaid In full of her Dower. or thirds of all my Lands.
Item: I give to my Loving Sone (Richard originally written and then marked out and James written above) Daniell. one track or divident of Land. which I bought of Joseph Gore being one half of ye Land. that David allison dyed possessed of in ye County of Middles’x to him and his heirs for Ever (p. 3, 244b) Ever [sic] Lawfully begotten of his body. & for want of such heirs to my son James [sic] Daniell & to his heirs Lawfully begotten for Ever. & for want of such heirs to my Loving Daughters Agatha Katherine Elizabeth & Ann Daniell & unto their heirs for Ever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my loving son (James originally written and then marked out with Rich’d added above) Daniell ye Plantation whereon I now live after my Loving wifes Desease. to him & his heirs Lawfully begotten for Ever & for want of such heirs to my Loving daughters Agatha Kathern Elizabeth & ann & to their heirs for Ever.
It is allso my will & Pleasure that my sone James Daniell: Shall live upon ye Land: which I have given by this my will. to my loving son Richard Daniell: so long as my Loving wife shall Live: but after her Deseas. to Remove to his owne.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Loving sone Richard Daniell my Saddle Pistols & houlsters;
Item: I give and bequeath to my Loving Sone James Daniell one Cow & Calf & a gun over & above his equall part
Item: I give and bequeath to my two youngest Daughters Elizabeth and Ann. five pounds apiece, over & above their equal share.
Item: I give to Benj’n Thatcher Tenn shilling to bye him a pair of gloves. In Remembrance of me
Item: I make & authorize my dear wife Jocebed Daniell Executrix: & my sons Richard & James Daniell Executours of this my Last will & testament & I Do Desire my Loving friends Moris Cock & John Smith Sen overseers of this my will and testament to see it performed: witness my hand seale this eight day of October anno Domini 1694.
Sealed and published in the presents of us 4
Wm. Saddler (X his mark)
John Walker (X his mark)
Benjamin Thatcher
Tho Vaux
Wm Downing
(The word James & Ric’d enterlined before signed)/
Will Daniell [signed, sealed]
Att a Court held for ye county of Middles’x ye 3d day of October 1698 –
Jn’o Walker and William Downing declared upon their oaths that they saw William Daniell above named sign seale and publish ye above written will to be his act and deed & he was in perfect memory.
Tes Edwin Thacker ClCur
(Will cover page (before p. 1, 244c))
my Loveing wife being dead sense that will was mad Leaving her a negro woman named Anatta. I give & bequeath this sd negro to my Loveing daugh’r Kathrine Daniell to her & heirs in part of her portion. Also the ten shillings I give Benj’n Thacker he deing ded I recall back agine. I pose my two sons Will & Rob: Daniell overseers with Mr. Jo’n Smith Sr of this my Last will & testament as witness my hand.
Will Daniell [seal]
The marks of
William (X) Brooks
Wm Lyall
Arthur Hancock
[Written sideways next to will cover text]
Item: It is my will that my son James Daniell shall have siperus timber use of my son Rich’d Daniell Land for his own youse to build with/
Att a Court held for the county of Middles’x ye 3d day of October 1698 William Brooks Will’m Lyall & Arthur Hancock upon their oaths say that they saw William Daniell above named sign seale & declare the codisall to be his Act & deed & that he was then in perfect sense & memory.
Tes’t Edwin Thacker ClCur
This is ye last will and Testament of Cap’t William Daniell Sen


SpouseJochabed ?Smith ( - )
ChildRichard Daniel (1678 - )
ChildMary Daniel ( - 1678)
ChildAgatha Daniel ( - 1721)
Spouse[Daniel] ( - )
ChildWilliam Daniel Jr. (1664 - 1723)
ChildRobert Daniel (1666 - 1720)