Individual Details

Joan\Jane [Avery]

( - )

New Hampshire State Papers:
Vol 19, p.680
Proceedings of President and Council
In Court
Sept 7, 1681
Tho. Avery. for striking and wounding Will Cate & breach of ye peace Sentenced to pay 20sh fine to ye Treasurer, ye cure of ye said Cate & costs & Fees, or stand committed etc.
Joan Avery, for being drunk, Ordered to sit in ye stocks one hour or redeem by paying 5sh in mony (& fees) or stand committed. She had leav to redeem and pay ye five shillings.

After the settling of Thomas Avery's estate, the Cates must have still tried to collect.
New Hampshire State Papers
Quarter Court, Portsmouth 6 Jun 1682
Edward Cate having attached the widdow Avery to this Court & not entering his action she is allowed 2 days for her attendance 4sh & Leon: Weekes having attached a Cow of hers to the suit & putting it into the hands of sd Cate 3 mos. since which is to her damage, the Court orders the sd Weekes, Constable, to cause her Cow to be returned to her & pay her 5sh for the want of her.

"In 1682 (Richard) was in Hampton jail for calling himself married to widow Jane Avery of Greenland, although he had a wife in Rhode Island, not seen in 4 years and married to another man."
In one place the Genealogical Dictionary stated that Joan Avery, widow of Thomas Avery probably married a Richard Andrews. In another place his name was given as Richard Ambrose.


SpouseThomas AVERY (1631 - 1681)
ChildThomas AVERY ( - 1744)
SpouseRichard Ambrose ( - )