Individual Details
John McFarland
(Bet 1706 and 1708 - 1784/85)
NOTE: Documentation gives clear evidence that John McFarland of
Montgomery/Bedford County, Virginia is the son of Robert McFarland of Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania. Some researchers in the past have indicated that John
was born in Scotland, with no documentation. Primary evidence is contained in
the Lancaster Deed Book D, page 415, denoting son Robert McFarland of Bedford
County, VA releases his land in Donegal township, Lancaster County to
relatives. (See Notes of Robert 1675-1752).
RESIDENCE: 1729 PENNSYLVANIA, Chester County, Northern part. John McFarland
and Robert McFarland (adjacent) signed petition in 1729 that another county be
formed from the Northern Part of Chester (that part now Lancaster). Appears in
a book on the John McFarland family of Lancaster/Dauphin County.
PROBATE-LINKS: 1747: PENNSYLVANIA, Lancaster County, Donegal Township. John
McFarland. John Ramsey Jan 21, 1747 to Feb 21, 1747. Executors Rachel Ramsey &
John McFarland. Donegal Township. Wife Rachel Ramsey. Children John and
Rebecca. SOURCE: Lancaster County Abstracts of Wills 1721-1820, page 832. FHC
microfilm #383292.
RESIDENCE: Family moved to Virginia about 1747. They moved to that part of
Augusta County which later became known as Montgomery, and now is Wythe County.
He later moved to Bedford County, VA and died there.
RESIDENCE: 1748 Augusta County: John McFarlin, a criminal."CHRONICLES OF THE
RESIDENCE: 1749. Appeared in 1749 as a petitioner to open a road from
Zachariah Calhouns, on Reed Creek to Buffalo Lick and then to Woods River below
mouth of Little River, towards forks of Meadow Creek between Woods River and
South fork of Roanoke. (Chalkley Vol 1: 434).
RESIDENCE: Family lived 1750 in the southern section of Augusta County
VIRGINIA" May 23, 1750 John McFarland and Joseph Crockett, surveyors. Road
ordered from Ezekiel Calhoun's to Wood's River thence to Top of Ridge between
Wood's River and the South Fork of Roanoke (near present Botetourt and Bedford
Counties) Tithables (persons in area paying for road): Henry Batton, Mordecai
Early, John McFarland, Jacob Goldman, John Downing, John Goldman, Charles
Sinclair, Nathaniel Wilshire, Wm. Sayers, William Hamilton, Humbertson Lyon,
Frederick Carlock, Robert Norris, James Miller, James Cave, Saml. Montgomerie,
Steven Lyon, John Conley, Andrew Linam, James Willbey, Saml. Stanlick, James
Maies, Robert McFarlin, James Harris, John Vance, John Stride, Robert Miller,
Jacob Castle, Robert Alcorn, John Forman, William Miller. Note the listing of
John McFarland, Samuel Montgomery, Robert McFarlin, John Downing.
MILITARY: 1752 Ensign. Qualified as Ensign on November 16, 1752 (Abstracts
from the Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Lyman Chalkley, Vol. II, page
MILITARY: "Virginia Colonial Soldiers" by Lloyd D. Bockstruck 1988;
Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD; page 4 Augusta County 16 Nov 1752
John McFarland, ensign, and Robert McFarland, Lieutenant.
COURT: 1752 PENNSYLVANIA, Lancaster County. James McFarland, son of John
McFarland, and devicee named in will of James McFarland, his uncle, deceased in
1752 (being about age of 21), chooses the said John McFarland, his father, as
Guardian. Ordered that the said John McFarland give sufficient Security to
Janet McFarland, mother of said James McFarland. SOURCE: "Pennsylvania Vital
Records"; 1983; Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD; page 353.
LAND: 1763. On May 4, 1763 John McFarland and Mary of Bedford County sold 106
acres, patent on Branch of Reed Creek to Hugh Montgomery for 52.10 pounds, by
patent, 30 Oct 1752 on a branch of Reed Creek. Teste: Robert Mountgomery.
Delivered H. Montgomerie May 1765 (Chalkley Vol 3:401; Augusta County Deed Book
LAND: 1767. On 29 October 1767 John and Mary of Bedford County sold 98 acres
on a branch of Reed Creek, a branch of New River, to James Holles for 40
pounds. Land lying between said John McFarland ad the cove, patented to John
20 Jun 1753. Teste: Israel and William Christian, Daniel McNeill, Robert
Breckenridge, Samuel Black, William Wright, William Bates, and George Dair.
(Chalkley vol 3:461; Augusta County Deed Book 14:88).
LAND: 1768 Botetourt County: John and Mary McFarland of Bedford county,
Virginia and Robert and Martha McFarland of County of Orange, North Carolina,
to David Doak for L156, 1,020 acres at Black Buffalo Lick on water of Wood
(New) River. Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800, by Lewis C. Summers,
Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tn, 1927 Vol 2, page 531.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; DAR Patriotic Index.
LAND: 1778 Sale, 20 Oct 1778 from John McFarland Sr. of Russell Parish,
Bedford County to John McFarland Jr. of Montgomery County, 367 acres on Reedy
Creek (Montgomery County Deed Book A:234).
DEATH: 1784 OR EARLY 1785.
SOURCE: WFT Disk #1 (Most land records, and notes on family). WFT Disk #10.
In Dunbarton, Scotland, John and Mary's marriage is recorded along with the
birth of Robert. WFT #1 lists source as Bobby Ray McFarland P.O.Box 287,
SOURCE: East Tennessee Genealogies -- MC FARLAND -- On Internet. John was an
elder in the Presbyterian Church, the old stone church in Bedford County he
attended is still standing. John was too old for military service, but was an
ardent patriot and had several sons who fought for America's freedom, and one
son, James Mc Farland, was killed by Indians.
COMMENT: World Family Tree Lists John McFarland who married Mary Montgomery as
son of John McFarland (1688 Arrochar, Scotland) and Mary, and brother of Duncan
born 1712 (perhaps the Duncan who lived in Augusta (that part now in Bath)
county, Virginia. See elsewhere. THIS IS INCORRECT.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: James A. McFarland. An indepth researcher. Has the wills,
estates, and land records proving the Lancaster Co, PA and Bedford Co, VA
HISTORY: "Families of Jefferson Conty, Tennessee" 1992 found at Seattle
Genealogical Society. Includes the birth dates of all children, and their
deaths and marriages.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: Phil Gerou Descent from Mary
McFarland (1742/1743) and James Hunter, their daughter Nancy Hunter who married
Rice W. Whiteacre (and their son, Joseph Whiteaker, born 1808).
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: 1999Judy A. Walters, Portland, ME.
Descent from John McFarland and Rebecca Bell.
Montgomery/Bedford County, Virginia is the son of Robert McFarland of Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania. Some researchers in the past have indicated that John
was born in Scotland, with no documentation. Primary evidence is contained in
the Lancaster Deed Book D, page 415, denoting son Robert McFarland of Bedford
County, VA releases his land in Donegal township, Lancaster County to
relatives. (See Notes of Robert 1675-1752).
RESIDENCE: 1729 PENNSYLVANIA, Chester County, Northern part. John McFarland
and Robert McFarland (adjacent) signed petition in 1729 that another county be
formed from the Northern Part of Chester (that part now Lancaster). Appears in
a book on the John McFarland family of Lancaster/Dauphin County.
PROBATE-LINKS: 1747: PENNSYLVANIA, Lancaster County, Donegal Township. John
McFarland. John Ramsey Jan 21, 1747 to Feb 21, 1747. Executors Rachel Ramsey &
John McFarland. Donegal Township. Wife Rachel Ramsey. Children John and
Rebecca. SOURCE: Lancaster County Abstracts of Wills 1721-1820, page 832. FHC
microfilm #383292.
RESIDENCE: Family moved to Virginia about 1747. They moved to that part of
Augusta County which later became known as Montgomery, and now is Wythe County.
He later moved to Bedford County, VA and died there.
RESIDENCE: 1748 Augusta County: John McFarlin, a criminal."CHRONICLES OF THE
RESIDENCE: 1749. Appeared in 1749 as a petitioner to open a road from
Zachariah Calhouns, on Reed Creek to Buffalo Lick and then to Woods River below
mouth of Little River, towards forks of Meadow Creek between Woods River and
South fork of Roanoke. (Chalkley Vol 1: 434).
RESIDENCE: Family lived 1750 in the southern section of Augusta County
VIRGINIA" May 23, 1750 John McFarland and Joseph Crockett, surveyors. Road
ordered from Ezekiel Calhoun's to Wood's River thence to Top of Ridge between
Wood's River and the South Fork of Roanoke (near present Botetourt and Bedford
Counties) Tithables (persons in area paying for road): Henry Batton, Mordecai
Early, John McFarland, Jacob Goldman, John Downing, John Goldman, Charles
Sinclair, Nathaniel Wilshire, Wm. Sayers, William Hamilton, Humbertson Lyon,
Frederick Carlock, Robert Norris, James Miller, James Cave, Saml. Montgomerie,
Steven Lyon, John Conley, Andrew Linam, James Willbey, Saml. Stanlick, James
Maies, Robert McFarlin, James Harris, John Vance, John Stride, Robert Miller,
Jacob Castle, Robert Alcorn, John Forman, William Miller. Note the listing of
John McFarland, Samuel Montgomery, Robert McFarlin, John Downing.
MILITARY: 1752 Ensign. Qualified as Ensign on November 16, 1752 (Abstracts
from the Records of Augusta County, Virginia, Lyman Chalkley, Vol. II, page
MILITARY: "Virginia Colonial Soldiers" by Lloyd D. Bockstruck 1988;
Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, MD; page 4 Augusta County 16 Nov 1752
John McFarland, ensign, and Robert McFarland, Lieutenant.
COURT: 1752 PENNSYLVANIA, Lancaster County. James McFarland, son of John
McFarland, and devicee named in will of James McFarland, his uncle, deceased in
1752 (being about age of 21), chooses the said John McFarland, his father, as
Guardian. Ordered that the said John McFarland give sufficient Security to
Janet McFarland, mother of said James McFarland. SOURCE: "Pennsylvania Vital
Records"; 1983; Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD; page 353.
LAND: 1763. On May 4, 1763 John McFarland and Mary of Bedford County sold 106
acres, patent on Branch of Reed Creek to Hugh Montgomery for 52.10 pounds, by
patent, 30 Oct 1752 on a branch of Reed Creek. Teste: Robert Mountgomery.
Delivered H. Montgomerie May 1765 (Chalkley Vol 3:401; Augusta County Deed Book
LAND: 1767. On 29 October 1767 John and Mary of Bedford County sold 98 acres
on a branch of Reed Creek, a branch of New River, to James Holles for 40
pounds. Land lying between said John McFarland ad the cove, patented to John
20 Jun 1753. Teste: Israel and William Christian, Daniel McNeill, Robert
Breckenridge, Samuel Black, William Wright, William Bates, and George Dair.
(Chalkley vol 3:461; Augusta County Deed Book 14:88).
LAND: 1768 Botetourt County: John and Mary McFarland of Bedford county,
Virginia and Robert and Martha McFarland of County of Orange, North Carolina,
to David Doak for L156, 1,020 acres at Black Buffalo Lick on water of Wood
(New) River. Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800, by Lewis C. Summers,
Kingsport Press, Kingsport, Tn, 1927 Vol 2, page 531.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; DAR Patriotic Index.
LAND: 1778 Sale, 20 Oct 1778 from John McFarland Sr. of Russell Parish,
Bedford County to John McFarland Jr. of Montgomery County, 367 acres on Reedy
Creek (Montgomery County Deed Book A:234).
DEATH: 1784 OR EARLY 1785.
SOURCE: WFT Disk #1 (Most land records, and notes on family). WFT Disk #10.
In Dunbarton, Scotland, John and Mary's marriage is recorded along with the
birth of Robert. WFT #1 lists source as Bobby Ray McFarland P.O.Box 287,
SOURCE: East Tennessee Genealogies -- MC FARLAND -- On Internet. John was an
elder in the Presbyterian Church, the old stone church in Bedford County he
attended is still standing. John was too old for military service, but was an
ardent patriot and had several sons who fought for America's freedom, and one
son, James Mc Farland, was killed by Indians.
COMMENT: World Family Tree Lists John McFarland who married Mary Montgomery as
son of John McFarland (1688 Arrochar, Scotland) and Mary, and brother of Duncan
born 1712 (perhaps the Duncan who lived in Augusta (that part now in Bath)
county, Virginia. See elsewhere. THIS IS INCORRECT.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: James A. McFarland. An indepth researcher. Has the wills,
estates, and land records proving the Lancaster Co, PA and Bedford Co, VA
HISTORY: "Families of Jefferson Conty, Tennessee" 1992 found at Seattle
Genealogical Society. Includes the birth dates of all children, and their
deaths and marriages.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: Phil Gerou Descent from Mary
McFarland (1742/1743) and James Hunter, their daughter Nancy Hunter who married
Rice W. Whiteacre (and their son, Joseph Whiteaker, born 1808).
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: 1999Judy A. Walters, Portland, ME
Descent from John McFarland and Rebecca Bell.
Birth | Bet 1706 and 1708 | Ireland | |||
Marriage | Abt 1728 | Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - Mary Montgomery | |||
Death | 1784/85 | Bedford County, Virginia |
Spouse | Mary Montgomery (1712 - 1782) |
Child | Robert McFarland (1730 - 1798) |
Child | Nancy McFarland (1731 - 1798) |
Child | James McFarland (1732 - 1755) |
Child | Rachel McFarland (1737 - 1790) |
Child | John McFarland (1739 - 1809) |
Child | Arthur McFarland (1741 - 1741) |
Child | Mary McFarland (1743 - 1821) |
Child | Joseph McFarland (1745 - 1785) |
Child | Benjamin Anderson McFarland (1747 - 1823) |