Individual Details


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As if two dates [Jun 14 and Jul 28, 1771] for the baptism of David Avery, son of David and Sara isn't confusing enough, there are also two deaths records seen in transcripts online, perhaps even in print. However, after viewing the film rather the transcript, it was evident that one of the baptisms was for a child Daniel, the other for a David. The transcript as seen online has errors.

A son of David & Sarah Avery, David, was baptized the same day as his sister Sarah - on 28 Jul 1771.

Two death dates for a David Avery are given in the transcript - they are both errors. They were deaths of his children, not of David
A son of David Avery, died of Quinzy on 24 Oct 1770 at age 7 months, 14 days. This was prior to the four baptisms of the older children and the child was not named.

A second death record seen in the transcript for a David Avery turned out to be for a daughter of David Avery - she died of consumption aged 7 years 5 m 5 d.. on 20 Jul 1771 - and must have been Abigail or Elisabeth, one of the daughters that had just been baptized on Jun 14 of that year.


Christen28 Jul 1771Pepperell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts


FatherDAVID AVERY (1737 - )
MotherSARAH [Avery] (1736 - )
SiblingRuth AVERY ( - )
SiblingAbigail AVERY ( - )
SiblingElisabeth AVERY ( - )
SiblingDANIEL AVERY (1768 - 1848)
SiblingSarah AVERY ( - )
SiblingEbenezer AVERY ( - )
SiblingJohn AVERY ( - )
