Individual Details

John Pleasants

( - Abt 1690)

27 Sep 1690 Will of John Pleasants of Curles.
Bequests to son John, plantation "Curles", 300a from William Cookson, plantation called "Timber Slash", 1/2 of 7000 acres called "Half Sink"
Son Joseph if John has no heirs.
Daughter Elizabeth.
Brothers Samuel and Benjamin, and Thomas.
1690 Sep 27 Will of John Pleasants of Curls
To son John Pleasants, (born of the body of my wife Jane, formerly wife and executrix of Samuel Tucker, dec'd), all of the plantation where I now dwell called "Curles", 300a, which was purchased by me of William Cookson; also that plantation purchased of Philip Ludwell, called "Timber Slash" 900a; also my part of a tract taken up between John Woodson, Hen Rowing, and myself, the whole tract being 7000a, 1/2 being mine called "Half Sink"
If son John has no heirs, then above to son Joseph (also son of wife Jane) and if he have no issue, to daughter Elizabeth Pleasants, (also daughter of wife Jane), and if no issue to my brother Samuel Pleasants, and if no issue, to my brother Benjamin Pleasants, and if no issue, to my brother Thomas Pleasants, and if no issue to my next of kin. Numerous items to son John, and if he die to be divided between Joseph and Elizabeth, when they reach 18.
To daughter Elizabeth, land I purchased of Abram Childers, bordering Curles Swamp, 70a; and also land purchased of Hen Rowing and Robert Woodson, about 400a, also livestock and items.
To son Joseph, plantation called "Turkey Island Point" purchased of Benjamin Hatcher, 150a; also land purchased of Thomas Cocke on Chickahominy Swamp 1400a; also land called "Colsons" purchased of William Giles, 100a; and also land purchased of Edward Mathews; also land purchased of Abram Childers, 548a, also land which I have entered with Richard Ligon, joining downward on Westham Creek and to run to mouth of Tuckahoe Creek, part of which is islands, 2000a. If he has no heirs then lands to children John & Elizabeth. If they have no heirs then to Joseph Woodson, son of my wife's daughter Mary Woodson married to John Woodson, Jr. Also to son Joseph items, livestock and negroes.
To two sons John and Joseph, land above Four Mile Creek, backing Edward Mathew's land and adjoining Philemon Childers, 2600a, and also land taken up by John Woodson Jr, and myself, my part being 500a, on Four Mile Creek; also 11a on south side of Four Mile Creek adjoining the mill; also a parcel bought of Derby Enroughty on north side of Four Mile Creek. To them also a corn mill and a saw mill.
Wife to have profits from the mills and rents from the lands for life.
To the Friends (now called Quakers) a small parcel of land purchased of Benjamin Hatcher, next to Thomas Holmes, for a meeting house and burying place.
To daughter in law, Mary Woodson, £20 sterling.
To my dear and loving mother, £20
My wife to be sole executrix
Wit-John Butler, Alexander Makenny
Recorded 1 Oct 1690
(This will was presented in court by John Pleasants himself, apparently wanting to be sure it was probated as he wanted it.)

Codicil:The land at Tuckahoe and at Coulsons, since sold, was given to son Joseph Pleasants.
The land given to daughter Elizabeth Pleasants, is already in possession of her and her husband James Cocke.
My wife is to be executrix and have land I live on.
To son John, land I bought of Henry Wyatt and also land I bought of Edward Ward, 550a, part of a tract taken up by Gilbert Elam and Edward Ward.
To son Joseph, land lately bought of Henry Wyatt, 330a, formerly belonging to John Colyer, also land bought of Giles Webb, 100a, joining land bought of Henry Wyatt, and a tract of 470a.
Also land to grandson Thomas Pleasants, and land to son or daughter of my son John, and if no issue, then to my grandson James Cocke;
and to grandson Thomas Pleasants land bought of James Lyles, 250a, and also plantations joining James More, Anthony More, and John Field, 230a. Dated 3 May 1697. No witnesses, probated 1 Jun 1698.


MarriageBef 1680Henrico County, Virginia - Jane Larcombe
DeathAbt 1690


SpouseJane Larcombe ( - 1709)
