Individual Details


( - 1715)

Will dated 4 Aug 1711; Probated 1 Jun 1715. Named wife Dorothy, children Thomas, John and Mary Durham., a grandson Thomas Dodson. [Richmond Co WB 3, p210]

Will of Thomas Durham. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Dear and Loving wife Dorothy Durham the use of my Plantations, together with all my Lands and Tenements with all and Every of their Appurtenances--Profits and Commoditys ---- Belonging or appertaining for and During the ----of her natural Life and after her Decease if my Son Thomas Durham and Mary his wife do by some sufficient instrument in writing under their hands and seals and affording to due forme of Law Release and Acquitt all and singular their Right ,title and Interest in and unto Fifty acres of Land being the same Tract & Plantations which we had conveyed us by Mary Gilbert unto my son John Durham and his heirs or pay him the said: John Durham Eight Thousand Pounds of Tobacco in Lieu of His said Land and also pay unto my Daughter Mary Dodson Fifteen hundred pounds of Tobacco that then and upon this consideration-----aforesaid: I do give and bequeath unto my said son Thomas Durham and his heirs Lawfully Begotten and for want of such issue unto my son John Durham and his heirs Lawfully Begotten and for want of such issue unto my GrandSon Thomas Dodson and his heirs. But if my said son Thomas Durham doth refuse and will not release the said fifty acres of Land nor pay the Tobacco aforesaid: I do will and Bequeath the said Plantation whereon I now dwell with all my Lands unto my son John Durham and his heirs---
Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son John Durham Fifty acres of Land more or less being the Plantation with all the Tract and Parcell of Land that was Conveyed us by Mary Gilbert, to have and to hold the said Tract and Parcell of Land with the appurtainances unto my said son John Durham and his heirs Lawfully begotten and for want of such issue unto my GrandSon Thomas Dodson and his heirs-


Death1715Richmond County, Virginia
MarriageDOROTHY Smoot


SpouseDOROTHY Smoot ( - )
ChildMARY Durham (1686 - )
ChildThomas Durham (1690 - 1734)
ChildJohn Durham (1698 - 1722)
