Individual Details
Elisha Dodson Jr.
(Abt 1761 - 1846)
Received into the care of the Broad Run Bapt Church on 9 Oct 1763 as son of Elisha Dodson.
Elisha married (1) Hannah Lawson on 21 May 1789 in Halifax Co. He married (2) Mary Lipscomb Pettus Jordan, widow, in Lunenburg Co VA - marriage contract dated 11 Jun 1832.
MARRIAGE: married Hannah (Fuqua) Lawson on May 21, 1789; "Revised Edition of the Fuller Manuscript" by Charles Thomas Stamps. [Apparently Hannah was nee Fugua. Hannah is said to have married Thomas Lawson, 4 Jan 1782, Halifax, VA.]
Suit in Chancery Court, Charlotte Co, VA (I have seen only the first page...)
Complainants: John Fuqua, Thomas Lawson & Hannah his wife, William Fuqua and Hannah (Susannah) Fuqua
Sometime in the year 1771, their father John Fuqua died without a will leaving a considerable real and personal estate. Joseph Fuqua as son and heir hath possessed himself not only of the real estate consisting of land and slaves but all the personal propery of livestock, household furnitue, and implements of husbandry left on the plantation at the death of said John. Hannah, has intermarried with Thomas Lawson and William & Susannah Fuqua are under the age of twenty-one and pray to be permitted to prosecute their suit by their next friend and brother, John Fugua...
Rev. Elias Dodson said that his "Uncle Eli" died at age 85 in 1846.
This would seem to be Elisha's wife's former husband and his stepchildren.
Halifax Co VA Will Book 3
p.5 Sept Court 1792
Estate of Thomas Lawson ...Theodorick Carter,Guardian Pd Elisha Dodson for sundry articles. Corn for widow Lawson. Half barrel wheat for Martha Lawson. [If Martha was another child of Thomas as is seen in many databases, she may have died soon, as there do not seem to be guardianship records for a third child and the couple had not been married long enough to have a child who did not require guardianship - see more later] Sundries furnished by Peters Dodson. Hire of seven Negroes included Esther and old Peter to Theodorick Carter, Sukey & 3 children to Elisha Dodson. Rent of high land Plantation to Presley Dodson; rent of river field to William Richardson.
25 Sept 1792 Account of Smith & Susannah Lawson Orphans of Thomas Lawson returned by Theodorick Carter, Guardian & ordered recorded
p.119 Account of Theo. Carter, Guardian, estate of Thomas Lawson 22 Sep 1794
p.197 November Court Sept 25 1794 to Sep '95 Theo. Carter's accounts for Thomas Lawsons'orphans. Smith & Susanna named. Slave Sarah hired out to Elisha Dodson. Presley Dodson, rent for land. Estate of Smith & Susanna Lawson's orphans of Thos Lawson.
p.264 Oct Court 1796 Estate of Thomas Lawson Decd in account with Theod. Carter, guardian. Bushels of wheat to widow Lawson. Dr. Holland for attending the orphans & slaves. Elisha Dodson hire of Rachel & 3 children.. Account of Elisha Dodson. Boarding, clothing &schooling. Returned 24 Oct 1796
p.282 Sep Court 1801 Account with Elisha Dodson,guardian of Smith Lawson. Included clothing, William Dossey for schooling; Samuel Carter for taxes 1799 &1800; sundries paid old Wm. Lawson as Smith's part; Store a/c with James Chalmers. Hire of Negro man Dick; Negro woman Sarah, boy Simon. Orphan of Thomas Lawson. Ordered recorded.
p.402 Oct Court 1797 Thomas Lawson dec'd in acct w/ Theo Carter,guardian. Blankets for Negroes, tax on 260 acres. Corn & wheat furnished M.Lawson. Boarding, clothing &Schooling to Elisha Dodson for Smith Lawson. Account ret 23 Oct 1797
Will Book 6
p.44 Oct Court 1798 Orphans of Thomas Lawson w/Theo Carter guardian. Items frunished widow Lawson To Elisha Dodson, boarding Smith Lawson
p.123 Oct Court 1799 Susanna Lawson to Guardian Charles Wall. Begins May 1798. Sept 25 1796 to Sep 1797 – Mrs. Charles Wall to Elisha Dodson, boarding and other expenses. [Charles Wall was also guardian of David Wall, Polly Wall. His return 28 Oct 1799. ]
p.127 Estate of Thomas Lawson/acct with Theodorick Carter, Guardian. Paid Attorney for services rendered. Suit of clothing for Smith Lawson, tutor, boarding, etc.
p.189 Sep court 1800 Smith Lawson in a/c with Elisha Dodson, his guardian. Board for year 1799. Corn & pork for Mrs. Lawson, sundries at Chambers's store, Voss's store. Hire of slaves. Rent of river plantation in Presley Dodsons bond. 22 Sep 1800 returned & ordered recorded.
p.201 Oct Court. Miss Sus. Lawson to Charles Wall, her guardian. a/c with Mr. Beverly Barksdale. Paid Martha Lawson, corn & pork. 12 months board. Hire of Negroes. 27 Oct 1800 ordered recorded.
p.455 Jan Court 1803 Susannah Lawson in account with Charles Wall, guardian
p.530 Elisha Dodson, guardian of Smith Lawson, orphan of Thomas Lawson, dec'd. Account reported on 25 Sep 1803 and ordered recorded.
Here is a different Lawson - Francis - who may have had a widow, "Patty" - is this the Martha who receives payments from the estate of Thomas Lawson?
Halifax WB 6
p.129 Dec Court 1799 Sale of estate of Frances Lawson, dec'd held 23 Dec 1798. Thomas Brandon, guardian of orphans of Frances Lawson. Jun 1798 pd John Irwin for Frances Lawson. Pd. Ann Lawson. For Mrs. Patty Lawson, her allowance. Board, clothing three children 2 years, 1 month.
p.402 Priscilla, Caty, Dudley, & John Frances Lawson, orphans of Francis Lawson, account with Thomas Brandon. Mrs. Patty Lawson her allowance. Board, working, lodging, clothing three children from 1 Jan 1801 to 1 Jan 1802. 27 Sep 1802 Ordered recorded Note: three children boarded & clothed but four are named in two places.
1820 Census. Marseilles, Halifax, VA
Elisha Dodson: 1m 16-26, 1m over 45; 1f 16-26, 1f over 45. Several slaves.
1830 Census. Halifax, VA (alpha)
Elisha Dodson: 1m 30-40, 1m 60-70; 1f 5-10, 2f 15-20. 39 slaves.
Father | ELISHA DODSON (1727 - 1791) |
Mother | SARAH Everett (1729 - ) |
Sibling | ELEANOR Dodson (1749 - 1816) |
Sibling | Margaret "Peggy" Dodson (1750 - ) |
Sibling | Lydia Dodson (1752 - ) |
Sibling | Ruth Dodson (1754 - 1828) |
Sibling | Jemima Dodson (1757 - ) |
Sibling | Sarah Dodson (1758 - ) |
Sibling | Tabitha Dodson (1759 - ) |
Sibling | Rev. Presley Dodson (1762 - 1837) |
Sibling | William Everett Dodson ( - 1821) |
1. Mrs. Sherman Williams, Compiler & Editor, The Dodson (Dotson) Family of North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia: A History and Genealogy of Their Descendants. Two Volumes with index in Volume Two. Volume Two contains abstracts & transcripts of documents. (Easley, SC: Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr.; Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1988), p.67.
2. Trascribed by Richard Slatten, "The Early Records of Broad Run Baptist Church, Fauquier Co VA, 1762-1783"; Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 26, Number 4, November 1988, 284-296.