Individual Details
John Walters
( - )
Believed to have gone with his children to Kentucky about 1788; no other information found in the Walters Gedcom about this man. There is actually no proof at all that William & Elizabeth Walters had a son named John other than the fact that records of a John Walters are found in the same time frame as those of William Walters and Robert and Thomas Walters. The earliest entries would indicate John to be some years older than Thomas b. 1727 - perhaps John was a young uncle rather than a brother. Or there could have been an older and a younger John.
p.21 4 Mar 1739. Surv'd. John Walters by Assignmt from Wm Russell enters 400 acres of land near the head of Swans Crk beginning at the upper Fork, thence up. Sign'd D. Stith
p.24 19 Sep 1746 Surv'd. John Walters enters 100 acres of land on the South Br of Swans Crk begin at a tree mark's & running thence down the said Branch for Qnt.
p.70 21 Apr 1748 Mary Coles Relict of John Coles Gent dec'd enters for the use of the estate 400 acres beg at Jas. Stuards corner or Nashes Line thence round John Walter's Land to his corner where Coles's Order of Council joyns the sd Walters.
From HALIFAX CO VIRGINIA PLEA BOOK 1 1752-1755 by Marian Dodson Chiarito:
p.1/p.4 in Plea Book: 19 May 1752 Road from James Stewart's ferry to Banister Bridge. John WALTER and John Owen find best way.
17/63 20 Dec 1752 Paid John WATERS & Radford Maxey for 6 young wolves heads - 300#'s tobacco
19/66 20 Mar 1753 James Stewart appointed surveyor from his landing to the Difficult marked by John Owen & John WATERS.
VA Land Patent 34, p.24
10 Mar 1756 John Walters. 250 acres in fork of Swans Creek, Lunenburg Co.
p.189 24 Jun 1756 Thomas Walters 400 acres joining Cobb's lower line & Jno Walters's upper Line. Also Cobb's outer line.
p.198 26 Jul 1756 John Walters 300 acres on Waters of Swans Cr & Stanton being the vacant land between his own, Cole's & Cobb's Lines.
Halifax Will Book 0 [Zero]; p.87
Appraisal of Estate of John Phillip, Radford Maxey his Executor. Dated 21 Dec 1759. By William Baughan, James Anderson, and John Walters
VA Land Patent 34, p.836
14 Feb 1761. John Waters. 275 acres on branches of Stanton R adj his own land and Cobb. [See gift to son Thomas in 1788]
p.227 20 Apr 1762 Ambrous Cobb. 400 acres between lines of John Warters, James Stewart & John Cobb for Quantity.
p.235 2 Nov 1762 Thomas Warters 400 acres Wm Russells Lines & John Warters on brs. of Great Tobys Creek.
p.241 11 Feb 1763 Jno. Warters & Jno Treadaway enters vacant land bet lines of sd Warters & Treadway, Fountain, & Cobb on brs. of Stanton R & Swans Crk
p.278 20 Jun 1765 John Walters 400 acres on Branch of Birches Crk comonly cal'd Lens Branch. beg. at head of said Br including the Ridge & opposite Brs. of Sandy Crk.
Halifax Co Virginia Colonial Poll & Tithables Lists; Mary Bondurant Warren, 1991, Heritage Papers, Danielsville, GA
Waltr Coles List 1768 Jno. Walters
Nathaniel Terry's list, on Walter Coles, 1768: John Walters
John Lewis's poles 1769: John Walters
Jas. Turner Jr. List of Tithables for 1771 : John Waters, John Waters Jr., Thomas Waters 3 tithes. Joseph Dodson, Caleb Dodson, Willm. Waters, 3 tithes
VA Land Patent 40, p.619
3 Aug 1771 Halifax Co To Richard Brown, 75 acres on branches of Stanton R adj James Cobb, John Walters, etc.
27 Aug 1770 John Ward, 54 acres in Halifax Co on branches of Stanton R adj Walter Coles, John Walters, etc. PB 39, p.169
1782 Halifax Co Heads of Household
Walters, Jno, 9 whites, no blacks, in household
1782 Halifax Co Personal Property Tax
Walters, John 1 white male over 21, 2 horses, 3 head of cattle
Halifax DB 14, p.175 3 Sep 1787. John Walters of Halifax to Dabney Pettus of Charlotte co for 400£, 480 acres in Halifax bounded by William Button, James Cobbs, Thomas Walters, Joel Watkins, Jesse Pleasants, Walter Coles Estate, John Ward and the Staunton River, part held by patent & part purchased of Walter Coles Esq and is the land whereon sd John Walters lives, being all the land he holds in Halifax after laying off 100 acres to Thomas Walters, whereon he lives, the remainder being about 480 acres. Signed: John (X) Walters. Wit: Jno Cobbs, Moses Terry, Walter Bennett, Clemt Carrington, Jno Walters, Absalom Watkins, P. Carrington. Proved by witnesses. Rec. 20 Sep 1787.
[Signed by the "Capital I with the crossbar which seems to be a representative "J" in many signature marks. Used consistently by this John Walters since 1750.]
Note: A Jno Walters was a witness to the above deed. John Walters, son of Thomas Walters was in Pittsylvania Co at this time, living on the Double Creeks next to the Maddings/Maddens. John, son of Thomas was married to Eleanor Spears in 1778. However, there is also a Pittsylvania Co marriage for a John Walters to Mary Madding, 28 Mar 1782. It would seem a possibility that the John Walters of the above deed also had a son named John and if he was acquainted with the Maddings over in Pittsylvania Co that could very well support the premise that the John of this deed and Thomas of Pittsylvania Co had a kinship.
John had a son named Thomas:
DB 14, p.483; August Court 1789 [?Halifax Deed?]
14 Sep 1788 Deed from Jno Walters of County of Fayette to Thomas Walters of Halifax for love and affection to his son, Thomas. 100 acres begin a Watkins line to Francis' line to Cobbs line, etc.
John (x) Walters
Wit: Richard Crews, John Walters, Vinct. Cobbs, David Lewis
[Fayette Co was in what is today Kentucky but was a that time still part of Virginia - not until 1792 did KY become a state. When John Walters witnessed a deed of Thomas Walters in 1750 in Lunenburg Co VA, he made the same "mark" as on this deed.]
VA Land Patent, Land Office Grants X, p.712
2 Dec 1785. John Waters granted 1067 acres on N fork of Elkhorn adj Benjamin Netherland and Josiah Watson in Fayette Co.
VA Land Grant 24, p.6
14 Feb 1791 John Treadway & John Waters. 161 acres on waters of Hickman's Creek, adj. Saunders & Kennady in Fayette Co.
[Current maps show the North Elkhorn runs across the northern part of the county of Fayette. Hickman's Creek lies to the south, almost entirely in Jessamine Co.]
1790 Tax List has John Watters and John Tredaway in Fayette County.
There is a Will of a John Lawson of Fayette Co KY, dated 29 Jun 1798. One of the witnesses was a Thomas Walters. Did the Thomas Walters, son of John, also follow his father to Fayette Co?
By 1800, he is believed to have died in Jessamine Co. Other than the son Thomas of the deed in 1789, He is believed to have had sons John, Robert and Samuel who followed him to Kentucky.
This is a different John Walters in Montgomery Co VA
VA Land Grant Q, p.257
24 Jun 1785 John Walter, Montgomery Co. 400 acres on Beaverdam Creek a branch of Little Reed Creek, branch of Big Reed Island, branch of New River.
VA Land Grant 23, p.152
12 Mar 1790 To Harculus Ogle in Montgomery Co [KY?] 100 acres on Little Reid Island, branch of Big Reed Island, branch of New River adj James Gosset, John Walters, etc.
VA Land Grant 27, p.634
27 Mar 1793 John Walter Montgomery Co. 250 acres on Little Reed Isalnd adj Lewis Harlin, Isaac Green, Reuben Dalton.
Father | WILLIAM Walters ( - 1762) |
Mother | Elizabeth [Walters] ( - 1761) |
Sibling | THOMAS WALTERS (1727 - 1796) |
Sibling | Robert Walters ( - 1793) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Walters ( - ) |
Sibling | Walter Walters ( - ) |
Sibling | William Walters ( - ) |
Sibling | Ruth Walters ( - ) |