Individual Details
James Yancey
( - )
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List of Granville Co. NC Militia 1771: Capt. James Yancey's Company of Foot belonging to the Regiment Commanded by Colo. Rich'd Henderson
He seems to have been a widower when he died in 1779
His will in Granville Co, NC. Date of will: 1777, proved 1779:
In the name of God, Amen, I JAMES YANCEY, being very sick and weak, but of perfect mind and memory - thanks be to God, calling unto mind the mortality of the body - and knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
I give and recommend my soul into the hand of almighty God, that gave it, and my body unto the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors - Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the mighty power of God - and as touching such worldly estate, wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, demise and dispose in the following manner:
Item 1 - I give to my son BARTLETT YANCEY, my tract of land lying on Lawson's Fork - a branch of the pacelot in South Carolina - containing three hundred acres.
Item 2 - I give my son-in-law JESSE SAUNDERS, forty pounds proc. money.
Item 3 - I give my son PHILLIP YANCEY two hundred acres of land I now live on, when cleared out of the office at the expense my estate, to run parallel with his upper line South, beginning at the County line.
Item 4 - I give the remaining tract of land, I now live on to my son THOMAS YANCEY, to be cleared out of the office agreeable to an entry made by me with ROBERT JONES in the year 1763 - at the expense of the estate - also the best bed, I have, and the furniture thereunto belonging.
Item 5 - I give unto my daughter, JENNY SAUNDERS, one bay horse that I bought from the EDWARD SAUNDERS estate.
Item 6 - I give unto my grand-daughter, NANCY BAYNES, ten pounds proc. money.
Item 7 - I give to my son, THORNTON YANCEY, a negroe woman, named Kate, provided he pay unto my estate the sum of twenty pounds.
All negroes I have now in my possession to be sold to highest bidder among my children. (No other person to be bidder).
The most valuable negroes to be set up and sold, first, then the next and so on until all are sold, all children to have equal parts. The residue of my other estate to be set up to public at twelve months credit with bond and approved security, with interest, to be applied to my just debts - the residue to be divided equally among my children.
It is my desire that the expense of my burial be allowed my executors out of my estate.
I constitute and appoint my sons LEWIS and PHILLIP my whole and sole executors to my estate. I witness and hereunto set my seal this 30th day of December, 1777.
Spouse | Elizabeth Ann Thornton ( - ) |
Child | Bartlett Yancey (1736 - 1784) |