Individual Details


(1763 - 19 Nov 1781)

Slaughtered by "Bloody Bill" Cunningham, Tory, at Hayes' Station, the year after his father was killed at King's Mountain. Daniel served under the command of his father at Kings Mountain. He also served as lieutenant and captain under Col. Benton and Gen. Francis Marion.
The Patriots at Kings Mountain by Bobby Gilmer Moss, Scotia-Hibernia Press; Blacksburg, SC, 1990, p.269


Birth1763Granville County, North Carolina
Death19 Nov 1781Hayes Station, South Carolina


FatherCol. James Henderson WILLIAMS (1740 - 1780)
MotherMary Wallace ( - )
SiblingJoseph WILLIAMS (1767 - 1781)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS (1769 - 1782)
SiblingElizabeth WILLIAMS ( - )
SiblingMary WILLIAMS ( - )
SiblingSarah "Sary" WILLIAMS ( - )
SiblingJames WILLIAMS ( - 1833)
SiblingWashington WILLIAMS (1771 - 1829)
