Individual Details

Nathaniel Martin

( - )

Sarah Belman Overman married second to Nathaniel Martin. The following deeds would appear to be his. All are dated prior to their marriage.

DB A, p.211 Deeds of Lease & Release dated 16 & 17 Apr 1719 from Daniel Phillips of Virginia to John Martin of North Carolina were witnessed by Nathaniel Martin. The land was 200 acres in a bay on the SW side of the Pasquotank River and sold by deed from Robert Keel & Tamer/Thamer his wife on 17 Aug 1704 to Daniel Philipps.

DB A, p.377 19 Jul 1726 Nathaniel Martin sold to Edmund Chancy for £5, two tracts on branches of Newbegun Creek. Sd Martin lapst at a Council held in Apr 1724. One patent for 449 acres, the other for 482 which patent dated 4 Jan 1714/15. Signed: Nathaniel Martin. Wit: Tho. Swann, John Pendleton.

DB A, p.407 10 Mar 1726/7 John Wallis, Grandson of Robert Wallis the Elder sold to Thomas Swann for £150, tract in Patent granted to his grandfather Robert Wallis, dec'd, dated 25 Sep 1663 and also by deed from Robert Keel & Thamar his wife dated 22 Jan 1706 which land descended to my eldest brother, William Wallis, dec'd, as grandson & Heir to Robert Wallis, dec'd. On South side of Pasquotank, adj plantation formerly belonging to Thomas Keel & sold by Robert Keel his son & heir to Daniel Phillips. Wit: John Pendleton, Charles Denman, Nathaniel Martin, Saml. Wise

DB C, p.276 16 Jan 1721/2 John Martin, Weaver, for £10 paid by Nathal. Martin the within mentioned patent & tract. Wit: John Pendleton, John Smithson.

DB C, p.379-80 Jan 1734 Oliver Salter, Cooper, for £140 paid by John Pegs. Moiety of land on NE side of Little River; on Thos. Plator's line at mouth of Marshy Gutt, by the now cornfield fence to Perquimans at the head thereof. 50 acres. Wit: W. Minson, Nathl. Martin. Ack. 14 Jan 1734. Reg. 1 May 1735.

Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1, p.102. Nathaniel Martin & Susanah Martin listed with the following TWO children: Joshua, b. 3-20-1725. Sarah, b. 12-23, 1728.


SpouseSARAH Belman (1688 - )