Individual Details

Francis Gooch

(1786 - )

Francis and Howell Boswell were executors of Francis' father's estate, ca 1832.

Caswell DB AA, p.228 30 Jan 1816 William Gooch Sen. to Francis Gooch his son - for obligation, 9 years service after lawful age. $1000. ___ acres south fork Country Line Crk, part of tract purchased of William Jones. Begin school house spring adj Nathaniel Gooch, Richard Estes now Abner Gooch. Deed negates 1816 obligation. Wit: Howell Boswell, Devereau Hightower. Proved Apr. 1832 [proved after death of William Senr]

Caswell DB CC, p.382 9 Apr 1836 Howell Boswell & Frances [Francis] Gooch executors of William Gooch, dec'd to Abner Gooch for $90 to Wm Gooch Sr., reaffirm a previous deed for tract on South Country Line Crk adj Richard Estes, John Massey. Wit: Archibald R. Birk
DB CC, p.384 29 Dec 1823 William Gooch to Abner Gooch for $90, tract adj Richard Estes, John Massey, Francis Gooch. Wit: Francis Gooch. Reg. Apr 1836

Married Alicey King on 30 Dec 1837 in Caswell Co NC.

Caswell DB DD, p.456 23 Jan 1838 Barthus J. Crawley to Devereau Hightower, 200 acres on south Country Line Cr adj Martha Slade, Francis Gooch, Wm Slade. Wit: Paul A. Haralson, John Manly.


Birth1786Caswell County, North Carolina


FatherWilliam Gooch Jr. (1750 - 1832)
MotherSarah "Sally" Kerr (1755 - 1831)
SiblingAbner Gooch (1773 - )
SiblingMary Gooch (1774 - )
SiblingWilliam Gooch (1776 - )
SiblingJames Gooch (1778 - )
SiblingJohn Gooch (1780 - )
SiblingSusannah Gooch (1788 - )
SiblingNathaniel Gooch (1790 - )
SiblingSicily Gooch (1792 - 1858)
SiblingMartha Gooch (1796 - )
