Individual Details
William Gooch Sr.
(Abt 1714 - 22 Dec 1802)
William's Gooch's earliest records are in St. Martin's Parish Hanover/Louisa Co VA by 1735. He bought land in Granville Co NC in 1764 but by 1783, he had settled on the S Fork of Country Line Creek in Caswell Co NC.
Louisa Co Va Deeds
Book: A, Page: 0, Grantor: William Gooch, Grantee: Benjamin Spencer, Date: 15-Aug-1743
William Gooch of St. Martin's Par., Hanover County to Benjamin Spencer of St. Martins Par. Louisa Co. 10 Lb. currt. money .180 acres in St. Martin's Par...Thomas Maples line on the road to Col. Jones'...Richard Mullins' line; part of 400 acres granted to Daniel Williams by patent 22 Jan 1734. Sig. William Gooch. Wit: Robert Sharp 12 Sep 1743 acknowledged by William Gooch.
Book: B, Page: 0
Date: 23-May-1757 William Gooch witness to deed 23 May 1757 David Anderson and Elizabeth, his wife of Hanover Co. to Benjamin Bibb of Louisa.
Book: B, Page: 0
Date: 28-Jan-1755 William Gooch and Keziah, his wife, of St. Martin's Par. Hanover Co. to Richard Pickering of St. Paul's Par. Hanover co. 50 Lb. currt. money. 300 acres in St. Martin's Par., Louisa Co. ...on north side of Main Road...south sides of Main road ...Chamberlyn's corner. Sig. William Gooch. Wit William Rice, John Rice 28 Jan 1755 acknowledged by William Gooch. Keziah, his wife declared her consent.
Book: B, Page: 0
Date: 28-Jan-1755 William Gooch and Keziah, his wife, of St. Martin's Par., Hanover County to Daniel McClarin of same. 60 Lb. currt. money. 300 acres and plantation in St. Martin's Par...Sims' line.. north side of the road....Chamberlayn's line . Wig. William Gooch and Kezia Gooch. Wit. William Rice, John Rice. 28 Jan 1755 acknowledged by William Gooch. Keziah, his wife, declared her consent.
Book: B, Page: 31
Date: 28-Jan-1755
William Gooch and Keziah [Hart] Gooch his wife, St. Martins Parish, Hanover, and Daniel McClarin same parish and county, £60 300 acres in Louisa ... Maples corner
Caswell DB A, p.67 10 Mar 1788 David Hart to William Gooch Senr for 86.13.4, proclamation money of NC. 292 Acres on S fork County Line Crk. Wit: A. Tatom, Jesse Benton
Caswell DB B, p.342 13 Oct 1783 State of NC, #529. To William Gooch Senr, 400 acres S fork Country Line Drk adj Wm Kimbrough, Bartlett Yancey, James Rice, Anthorite Martin.
p.343 13 Oct 1783 State of NC #544 To William Gooch Senr. 640 acres S fork Country Line Crk. adj. Wm Kimbrough, James Rice, Wm Jones, Brooks, Parks.
p.344 13 Oct 1783 State of NC, #615 To William Gooch Senr, 190 acres on S fork Country Line Crk adj William Kimbrough, Gooch's old line, Saml Kelley, Wm Gooch Junr.
William Gooch served in the Revolution for NC.
William H. Rice Sr. served 3 years in the Revolution as a Private in Taylor's Co., 6th Regt Roll of Lt. Col. Mebans' Co of 1st NC Battalion. DAR Patriot Index.
Daughter Sally was named in her father's will probated Jan 1803, as "Sarah Rice, wife of William H. Rice". She has Rice's 2nd wife.
Will dated 5 Nov 1801; Will Book D, pp.130-132. Proved Jan Court 1803 Caswell Co NC
Estate records of William Gooch, 1803, are in File box #29, Call No. C.R. 020.508 (1)-(106) in the NC Dept of Archives & History.
Book D, pages 130-132
January Court 1803 -
In the Name of God Amen I William Gooch Senr of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina, being in health of body but of sound and disposing mind and Memory thanks be given to God for his Mercies, do constitute Ordain and appoint this to be my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following. To Wit,
Imprimus It is my will and desire that all my Just debts be punctually paid as soon as It may
be convenient --
Item I lend unto my beloved Wife Frances Gooch so much of the tract of land and plantation on which I now live, together with the use of one of the rooms of my dwelling House, and the use of the out Houses pertaining thereto, as will be sufficient to support her and her Legacy hereafter mentioned, during her Natural life or Widowhood, and also I lend unto my said Wife Frances Gooch five negroes, to Wit, One Negroe man Named Cupit, One Negroe Woman Named Dill, and three young Negroes known by the names of Edey, Limon, and Charlotte, Two feather beds and furnitures, Two Head of Horses, four Cows and Calves, Two Ewes and lambs, Two Sows and pigs all of her Own Choice and Hogs to make her a sufficient quantity of Pork to Support her and her family one year after my decease, Together with the Crop which my be made or which my be growing at my decease and all my Household and Kitchen furniture except so Much thereof as may be hereafter Devised during her Natural life or Widowhood, and after her death or Marriage to be equally divided amongst my Twelve Children.
To Wit, William Gooch, James Gooch, David Gooch, Nathaniel Gooch, John Gooch, Thomas Gooch, Mary Sneed, Elizabeth Kimbrough, Nancy Benton, Sarah Rice, Cisley Gooch and Polley Williams, except that my five Oldest Children to Wit, Mary Sneed, Elizabeth Kimbrough, Nancey Benton, and James Gooch, shall each one have so much more of said estate as will be Sufficient to make them equal with my Seven Youngest Children , to Wit Sarah Rice, David Gooch, John Gooch, Cisley Gooch, Nathaniel Gooch, Thomas Gooch and Polley Williams, If they should draw from the estate of John Rice Deceased the Legacy left my Said Wife, by his last Will and Testament;
And be It remembered that If It may so happen that the said Legacy should not fall into their
hands, then that the said said estate shall be equally divided amongst the Whole of my aforesaid Children --
Item I give and bequeath to my Son William Gooch one feather bed and furniture to him his
Heirs and assigns forever --
Item, I Give and bequeath to my son James Gooch Sixty five pounds Virginia Currency to be raised out of my estate after my decease to him His Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my Son David Gooch one Shilling Sterling to him his Heirs and
assigns forever, he having already received his proportionable part --
Item I Give and bequeath to my son Nathaniel Gooch one Shilling Sterling to him & his
Heirs and assigns forever, he having already received his proportionable part --
Item I Give and bequeath to my son John Gooch one Negroe man named Daniel and one
negroe boy named Orange, one feather bed & furniture to him his Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Gooch one Negroe man named Abram (alias
Hambo) to him his Heirs and Assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Sneed, Widow of John Sneed Deceased one Shilling Sterling to her her Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Kimbrough one Shilling Sterling to her
her Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my daughter Nancey Benton Widow of Jesse Benton Deceased One Shilling Sterling to her her Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Rice Wife of William H. Rice, One Negroe
Woman Named Delphey to her Her Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Cisley Gooch one Negroe Girl named Bab, one
sorrel Mare and Coult (commonly called Hers) one feather bed and furniture to her Her Heirs
and assigns forever --
Item, I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Polley Williams wife of Henry Williams One Shilling Sterling to her Her Heirs and assigns forever --
Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved wife my flock of Geese to her Her Heirs
assigns forever --
Item It is my Will and desire that my tract of land containing Two Hundred Acres adjoining
the lands of Robert Martin, James Yancey and others, and all my stock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, and other property not already Devised shall be sold by my Executors hereafter named and the money arising therefrom to pay my Just Debts. And the overplus If any to be divided as above Mentioned between my Twelve Children aforesaid --
and appoint
Lastly I constitute my beloved Sons William Gooch, David Gooch and John Gooch to be Executors to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and disannulling all and every Will or Wills heretofore by me made, ratifying and confirming this to be my only last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 5th day of November A Dom. 1801 --
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged ]
in presents of --- ] Will. Gooch Seal
Alex Murphey ]
Henry Williams ]
State of North Carolina
Caswell County ]
The Execution of this Will was duly proved in open Court by the
Oath of Alexander Murphey one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto and on Motion
Ordered to be recorded At the same time William Gooch and David Gooch qualified
Executors and Letters Testamentry Issued Accordingly --
A Murphey Cl
Caswell Will Book D, p.166
April Court 1803 Sale of estate of William Gooch, dec'd 5 Feb 1803. Buyers included Wm. H. Rice, Nathaniel Gooch, Abner Gooch, John C. Gooch, Francis Gooch, John Graves, Jun. John Yancey, Francis Rice, David Gooch, Wm Gooch, Sen. Wm Gooch Jun.
Wm & David Gooch, executors.
Caswell WB G, p.239 [wife Frances has died]
July Court 1816 Sales estate of William Gooch dec'd by William Gooch, exec. Buyers included Henry Williams, William Gooch, Christopher Brooks, Abner Gooch.
I have no clue why the following powers of attorney were filed as late as 1826 - William's second wife Francis died in 1816 - unless the estate had still not been settled..
Caswell WB L, Jan Court 1826
p.10 Power of Attorney. Ann Benton of Shelby Co TN to Nathaniel Kimbro of said county to demand from estate of William Gooch, dec'd of Caswell, who died intestate. Dated 27 Mar 1822.
p.11 Power of Attorney. Elizabeth Kimbro of Rutherford Co, TN to Nathan Williams, Esq. of Caswell to receive estate due from William Gooch, Senr and to sell any land due her. 23 Jun 1819.
p.12 Power of Attorney from James Gooch of Allen Co KY to Jonathan Dorson of said county & state to demand from the estate of William Gooch, dec'd of Caswell, and any legacy left by John C. Gooch, dec'd. Dated 24 Jun 1818.
p.13 Power of Attorney from Jeremiah Barnes & Marilla Barnes his wife who is a daughter of Thomas Gooch, dec'd, of Williamson Co TN, to Thomas Boaz of Williamson Co. to recover from William Gooch of Caswell Co, exec of John C. Gooch dec'd, any part due Jeremiah Barnes & wife. Dated 8 Dec 1817.
p.14 Power of Attorney. Sherwood Green, exec. of Thomas Gooch Dec'd and guardian of Matilta Gooch, one of the legal heirs of said Gooch, and David Gooch, all of Williamson Co TN, to friend Thomas Boaz to receive from estate of William Gooch of Caswell, exec. of William Gooch and John C. Gooch, dec'd, which is due to the estate of Thomas Gooch, dec'd. Dated 8 Dec 1817
p.15 Power of Attorney. David Gooch of Williamson Co TN to Isaac Phillips of said county to recover from brother William Gooch of Caswell Co, all property due him. Dated 30 Jan 1807.
Birth | Abt 1714 | Hanover County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Abt 1744 | Keziah Ann Hart | |||
Marriage | Abt 1762 | Frances Rice | |||
Death | 22 Dec 1802 | Caswell County, North Carolina |
Spouse | Frances Rice ( - 1816) |
Child | David Gooch (1763 - 1831) |
Child | Nathaniel Gooch (1768 - 1841) |
Child | Sarah "Sally" Gooch ( - ) |
Child | John Claiborne Gooch ( - 1804) |
Child | Thomas Gooch (1773 - 1817) |
Child | Mary "Polly" Gooch ( - ) |
Child | Sicily Gooch ( - ) |
Spouse | Keziah Ann Hart ( - 1757) |
Child | Mary Gooch (1745 - 1842) |
Child | William Gooch Jr. (1750 - 1832) |
Child | Elizabeth Gooch (1752 - 1826) |
Child | Ann "Nancy" Gooch (1755 - 1838) |
Child | James Gooch (1757 - 1826) |
1. William Gooch of Hanover Co VA & Caswel Co NC
2. William Gooch of Hanover Co VA & Caswel Co NC
3. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources
4. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.
5. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.