Individual Details

Thomas Durham

(Abt 1760 - 4 Oct 1823)

From PML Search: Kenneth Shelton 26 Mar 2000. 21 Nov 2000:

Thomas was a Baptist minister associated with churches in NC and TN; one of these was the Jersey Settlement Church in Rowan Co [now Davidson Co] TN. He joined the Jersey Church on 1 Dec 1792 and presided as the primary minister from 5 Jan 1793 until 10 Oct 1812. His brothers Robert and John were also members of this church. On 5 Feb 1808, Thomas and Rebekah applied for letters of dismissal but returned the letters on 2 July. On 10 Oct 1812, Thomas Durham was excluded from membership after charging John Smith with false swearing but not being able to prove the assertion. Sometime between January of 1813 and January of 1814, they moved to Smith Co TN.

The earliest deed for Thomas Durham in Rowan is dated 21 Oct 1793 when Thomas bought 150 acres from Samuel Barkley. His own lands bounded this new purchase, so he was already in Rowan Co before Oct of 1793.

Abstracts of Deed Book 20-24 of Rowan Co NC 1807-1818
James W. Klutz 1999

#955 Rowan DB 21, p.391
24 Feb 1808 Thos Durham Sr to Thos Durham Jr for 5sh 156a Richard Crk of Swearing Crk adj Israel Cox now Samuel Barclay, Robt Barcly. Includes plantation where Grantor formerly lived. Grant from Henry Eustace McCulloh in 1773. Grantor reserved 8/9 parts of any gold or silver found on land. Wit: Joseph Haden, Ebenezer Moore. Moore prvd Nov Ct 1808

1820 Smith Co TN Census, p.53, Line 559
Thomas Durham. 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m over 45 [Thomas]. 1f 16-26, 1f over 45 [Rebecca]

The will of Thomas Durham in Smith Co TN (Inventories Book for 1823-1828) gives his wife as Rebecca. Names sons Jephtha, Thomas [I'm assuming he's the Thomas married to Sally Haden, sister of Joseph Haden], Nephthali, Eliab, Levi A, Joab. Daughters Jerusha McCulloh, Rebecca Haden. Rebecca Hall named as granddaughter. Will dated 4 Oct 1823 and proven in November. Nephthali & Eliab qualified as executors.
There is a deed from William Moore to Joseph Haden, 15 Sep 1820, bound by Naphthali Durham. Land on Brush Creek. I'm assuming this was also Smith Co TN

A post to by Charles Gregory indicates the father of Thomas Durham may have been John Durham of Rowan Co NC. Deed in Rowan Co: 6 Jan 1813, Thomas Durham to his brother John Durham, Thomas' interest in 1/3 of the land belonging to John Durham SR which John SR intended to devise to Thomas. [about the time Thomas was moving to Smith Co TN] There is also a deed dated 11 Feb 1817 from John Durham SR to Hezekiah Owen for land where his son Robert Durham formerly lived on Abbot's Creek, being 1/3 part of a tract which he intended for his son Robert. This would seem to sum up the family - John Durham Sr, had sons John, Thomas & Robert. John Sr signed with his mark - a deed of John Jr.'s dated 10 Aug 1816, which was also signed by John (X) Durham Sr, and Jane (X) Durham, showed that John Durham Jr could sign his name. John Jr was likely selling his tract and that of his brother Thomas, that their father had provided for them.

Elaine Durham Bargatze 1 May 2000. Descendant of Joseph Haden Durham. Gave parents of Thomas as Thomas Durham and Margaret "Peggy" Lindsay. However, I believe the deeds from Rowan Co NC are convincing that the father of Thomas Durham was John Durham. Given the widespread birth years for the children of Thomas Durham & Peggy Lindsay seen online, I would suspect a generation has been omitted. They did have a son John of the age to be John Durham SR later found in Rowan Co; he in turn would be the father of the Thomas Durham who married Rebecca Allen.

DNA testing as reported on the DURHAM-L mail list indicates that John Durham of Rowan Co NC was indeed the father of Thomas.


BirthAbt 1760
MarriageAbt 1780Rebecca Allen
Death4 Oct 1823Smith County, Tennessee


SpouseRebecca Allen (1762 - 1827)
ChildThomas Durham (1782 - 1856)
ChildJerusha Durham (1784 - )
ChildCandace Durham (1786 - )
ChildLevi Durham (1788 - )
ChildJeptha Durham ( - )
ChildNaphthali Durham (1790 - 1835)
ChildElias Durham (1792 - 1835)
ChildRebecca Durham (1794 - 1858)
ChildGabriel Durham ( - )
