Individual Details

Louisa A. Davidson

(1803 - )

1850 Census. Logan Co KY. District 1, Hh 368
Louesia E. Morton, age 47, female head of household, b. VA.
Henry P. Morton, age 52 [her husband's unmarried brother]
The children are all ditto'd for born in Virginia, but the enumerator just got carried away with his marks - they were born in Logan Co KY.
Martha, age 30. Harrriett 23, Mary 14, William J. 11, Joseph 9, Louisa V. 6, and Jonathan age 3.


Marriage1 Sep 1817Logan County, Kentucky - Joseph Morton


SpouseJoseph Morton (1790 - 1846)
ChildLouisa Virginia Morton (1844 - 1930)
