Individual Details

John Curd

(14 Apr 1726 - Bef Dec 1797)

There were three John Curds living in Goochland Co VA at the beginning of the Revolution. This John who married Lucy Brent left Virginia during the Revolution and seems not to have served in the Continental Army before leaving for Kentucky. A second John Curd in Goochland was a son of Edward Curd & Mary Morris - he was a Captain in the Militia, 1778-1881, and later Colonel of the Goochland Militia. A third John Curd who created records in Goochland was a son of John and Lucy - he was a private in the Continental Army in 1776 and Major in the Goochland Militia in 1780. This young John was married to Ann "Nancy" Williams.

Goochland DB 12
p.192 19 Oct 1778 John Curd to Joseph Woodson, John Hopkins, John Payne, Archer Payne, John Woodson, Thomas Underwood, Joseph Pollard, William Holeman, Stephen Sampson, Matthew Vaughan, William Lewis and George Payne Minor being Gentlemen of the Vestry of St. James Northam. 250#'s tobo. Tract of one acres, branches of Beaverdam, included in the land, the church, usually called Beaverdam Church.
Signed: John Curd
19 Oct 1778 John Curd ack.

p.319 16 Oct 1779 John Curd & Lucy his wife to Thomas Hatcher. 25 £. tract of 25 acres, part of tract where said Curd now lives lying & being on the South side of the road from the bridge on Beaverdam Creek called Jeffrey Clarks Bridge to Tucker Woodsons Ferry. Bounded by said Creek & lines of Thos Hatcher. Signed: John Curd, Lucy Curd.
Wit: Edmund Curd, Jas. Curd.
18 Oct 1779 John Curd ack.

p.321 26 Dec 1776 Account of sale of goods & chattels of Thos. Mitchell dec'd by John Curd, Executor to be discharged at 12 months from this date.
Buyers: Francis Pledge, Richard Curd, Thos. Hatcher, etc. Elizabeth Michell
Oct 18 1779. Presented by John Curd.

p.341 28 Sep 1779 John Curd Senior & Lucy his wife to William Ronold of Powhatan Co. 25,000#'s Land on branches of Beaverdam Creek whereon said Curd now lives …600 acres. Bounded by lands of William Ronald which he purchased of William Gay, by John Lewis, Joseph Pollard, Robert Poor & Edmond Curd and the main road running between said Plantation &the Lands of Thomas Hatcher. Signed: John Curd
Wit: Peter Pollock, Robin Poor, Jas Curd, John Curd [probably his son]. Robt H. Saunders, Alexr Fowler
15 Nov 1779 Proved by Peter Pollock, Robin Poor & Alexander Fowler. Rec. by G. Payne CC

The following deeds belong to the "other" John Curds. At least one was definitely his son who married Ann "Nancy" Williams.

Goochland DB 13
p.22 21 Feb 1780 William Winston of Hanover to John Curd. 100 £. 100 acres in Goochland on the North side of Castel Branch bounded upon the said John Curd and Robert Pore & John Shelton. Being a tract bought by said Wm Winston of William Isbel. Signed: Wm. Winston, Junr.
21 Feb 1780 William Winston Junr acknowledged & deed recorded

Goochland DB 14
p. 75 16 Aug 1784
John Curd & wife to George Underwood. 10,000#'s tobo Tract by late survey, 100acres. On Curds road, Joseph Lewis Junr corner, down the road; Colo. John Curds line; George Underwoods line; Curds Road. Signed: John Curd
20 Sep 1784 John Curd Ack.

p.186 28 Jul 1785 Wm Woodward & Ann his wife to James Curd. 350£. 150 acres. Adjoining sd Curd and Hugh Moss dec'd; John Ellis; sd Curds line.
Signed: William B. Woodward; Ann (x) Woodward
Wit: John Curd, Jesse Curd, Matthew Woodson
19 Sep 1785 Woodson acknowledged same.

p.287 Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor at the Court House for parish of St. James Northam for laying the Parish levy. Friday 26 May 1786.
Present: Gideon Hatcher, Robert H. Saunders, Benjn. Hughes, John Curd, John Shelton, Thos. F. Bates, Stephen Sampson, Jno Perkins, Gent.
Ordered that Stephen Sampson, Gent. Make the above collections & disburseents.

p.408 10 Apr 1787 John Curd & Nancy his wife to Joseph Lewis. 251£. 300 acres on Catail branch a branch of Beaverdam Creek. Bounded; Robert Poor & John Curd line; on ???? Road, George Underwoods line & Benjamin Perkins, Perkins lines, John Shelton's line, Robert Poors land. Signed: John Curd
Wit: Joseph Watkins, Wm. Sampson, Robert Watkins
16 Apr 1787 Ack by John Curd

p.410 Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor…. 2 Apr 1787 for laying the Parrish Levy. Present: Benjamin Hughes, John Curd, Stephen Sampson, Nathaniel Massie, John Perkins, Robert H. Saunders, Frances T. Bates, Gent. William Royster, Gent. To make collection of above
20 May 1787 Ordered recorded

John Curd removed to KY about 1780 .He settled on land grants located on the Dick's [later Dix] River and Salt River. This was in Lincoln Co, one of the three original counties of Kentucky, later Mercer Co. He established a public ferry which became the gateway to the settlement at Harrodsburg. The road from the ferry to Harrodsburg and on to Lexington was called Curd's Road.

Curd was in the Lincoln Co Militia serving under at least three different captions. He was the the Companies of Capt. John Martin under command of Col. Stephen Trigg, Capt. Samuel Scott and Capt. John Smith under command of Col. Benjamin Logan. He served in Gen. George Rogers Clark's expedition to invade the Shawnee towns along the Miami River in Ohio in 1782 in retaliation for the massacre at Blue Licks.

In 1786, petitions were submitted to the Virginia legislature by John Curd and other "to establish a public ferry, a town, and an inspection of tobacco, on the land of John Curd in the County of Mercer." In May of 1793, John Curd petitioned for permission to erect a water grist mill on his lands near the mouth of Dick's River. The tobacco warehouse and ferry landing still existed in 1822 when they were mentioned in the widow's dower of Nancy Curd, the widown of John's son Newton. In 1830, the Shakers purchased the landing from Newton Curd's heirs.

A December 1797 item in the KY Gazette states that "John & Price Curd, executors of the estate of John Curd, dec'd. regarding the estate sale. John Curd lived on the Kentucky River."

Warren Co KY DB B; p.99 16 Oct 1802 John Curd appointed Daniel Curd of Barren Co KY his attorney to divide the lands that John Curd, dec'd left his children by will and make good the agreements I made respecting given Catherine Bradshaw and Molly Pryor a part of the land. [Catherine & Molly were sisters of John and Daniel.]

Final settlement took place 1819-1823, when John Pryor, probably a son of Mary Curd Pryor, and Woodford Curd were authorized to "sell, divide and make deed to certain tracts of land, devised by John Curd to his heirs".

John and Lucy, as well as Newton and his wife Ann Elizabeth Hatcher are believed to have been buried on the Curd farm in Mercer County. Any gravestones have been removed by later owners of the property.


Birth14 Apr 1726Goochland County, Virginia
Marriage7 Apr 1758Lancaster County, Virginia - Lucy Brent
DeathBef Dec 1797


SpouseLucy Brent ( - )
ChildJames P Curd (1759 - 1821)
ChildMaj John Curd (1760 - 1838)
ChildElizabeth Curd (1762 - )
ChildNancy Curd (1764 - )
ChildCatherine Curd (1766 - )
ChildNewton Curd (1767 - 1822)
ChildMary Curd (1769 - 1833)
ChildPrice Curd (1771 - 1843)
ChildDaniel Curd (1773 - 1843)
ChildWoodford Curd (1775 - 1823)
ChildMerryman Curd (1780 - 1841)
FatherJohn Curd ( - 1752)
MotherElizabeth Price ( - )
SiblingWilliam Curd ( - 1798)
SiblingJoseph Curd ( - 1812)
SiblingMary Curd ( - )
SiblingCharles Curd ( - 1788)
SiblingJames Curd ( - 1791)
SiblingElizabeth Curd ( - 1830)
SiblingAnn Curd ( - )
