Individual Details
John Geddy
( - )
Halifax NC, Deed Book 9, p.460f
8 Jul 1767 John Geddy & Patience his wife request Inquisition to value the 100 acres descended to her as coheir of John McKinny dec'd under the Last Will & Testament of Col. Barnaby MacKinnie decd. Jury consisted of William Pierce, James Atkins/Atkinson, William Pope, Gideon Goodwin, Tobias Whitehead, John Fort, John Moor, Joseph ?Weaver, Luke Pryor, Nicholas Dilliard, Matthew Rayburn, Thos. Motley and Thos. Gatewood, They determined the value to be 40#'s 8 sh, Sterling. Before Jeremiah Nelms, Esq, Sub Sheriff of Halifax Co.
1 Aug 1767 John Geddy & Patience his wife of the town of Halifax and county of Halifax to Blake Baker of the same County. Col. Barnaby McKinnie late of the county of Edgecomb was at the time of his death possessed of a tract of land of 300 acres in Halifax, formerly Edgecomb, did by his last Will dated 13 Aug 1737, devised the same to his son Richard McKinnie in fee tail. Richard is dead without lawful issue and the said John McKinnie [his brother] being also dead leaving issue the said Patience, Mary the wife of Nicholas Long and Martha McKinnie who are vested in the 300 acres in fee tail as co-heirs. The said John Geddy & Patience his wife, Nicholas Long and Mary his wife, and Martha by Joseph Montfort her guardian have made partition of the 300 acres joining on the Roanoke River, 150 yards above Bakers Mill Landing. John Geddy & Patience are possessed of the lower part of the 300 acres and valued by inquisition (see above). Sell to Baker for 40#'s 8sh Sterling money of Great Britian. Signed John Giddy, Patience Giddy in presence of Montfort Eelbeck, Daniel Pointer. Acknowledge by John and Patience relinquished dower. John Geddy signed that he received the payment, 1 Aug 1767.
Spouse | Patience McKinnie (1744 - ) |