Individual Details
Nicholas Long
( - )
Halifax Co Deed Book 9, p.460-465: 1 Aug 1767 300 acres left by the Will of Col. Barnaby McKinnie to son Richard who died without issue; land reverted to Barnaby's son John McKinnie also now dec'd. Land now belongs to heirs of John McKinnie - Patience wife of John Giddy, Mary wife of Nicholas Long and Martha whose guardian is Joseph Montfort. Land in Halifax, formerly Edgecombe Co.
Mary and Nicholas Long were likely married before 1761 when Mary was not gifted in her brother Barnaby Jr's Will, although the two unmarried sisters were named.
Correspondence with Francie Lane re Nicholas Long and descendants:
Look what I found in an old email from me to you dated in Apr 1998:
Something very curious happened today. I was reading deeds circa 1827-1829 in Carroll Co TN (Western TN) trying to figure out why a ggg grandpa showed up there in the 1830 Census. Lo and behold there was a deed from Benjamin Sherrod Long of Halifax Co NC. In fact 3 or 4 deeds. And there was a deed for about 5000 acres in Carroll Co from the heirs of Nicholas Long - they lived in Wilkes & Elbert Co GA. Nicholas had taken out the patent in North Carolina... I kept checking the film to see where I was!
And your answer:
Funny you should mention Nicholas Long!!! I was over at the FHC today and
while waiting for someone to copy some microfilm pages -- I pulled "Early
Records of GA" (Wilkes Co.) off the shelf. I was interested in the John Boulton
/ Obediah Wynne family in early Wilkes, because the John Boulton was the older
brother of my Charles Boulton, b. 1767 of CASWELL Co., NC. John died in 1799 -
thus, close to the death date of James Holderness. Wonder how well they knew
each other! I decided to copy the pages containing references to the Wilkes Co.
Boultons -- one of which is the will of Nicholas LONG, wd 1817; wp 1819,......
"confirms to son Richard H. Long gift of tract whereon said Richard now resides,
according to a deed from John Bolton...." Also speaks of his Tennessee
Land - the very land you were finding in TN today! Kinda eerie
Nicholas Long appears to be a younger man than Mary McKinnie's husband would
have been, because some of his children had not reached their majority - either
that or he started a second family. He's probably Nicholas, Jr., but he owns a
lot of land & plantations. He doesn't name a Benjamin Sherrod Long, tho. Here
are his heirs:
Dau: Margaret Telfair; Sarah R. Long; Eliza L. Long; Eugenia L. Long;
Son: Richard H. Long; John Junius Long;
GSon: Nicholas Long
TTYL ~ Francie
And then I said
I definitely do agree the man in Georgia would be a Nicholas Long Jr if indeed he is from our Nicholas Long of Halifax. (and that would certainly be plausible given the mass migration to GA) By the date of the deed recorded in Carroll Co TN (6 Aug 1828) the heirs of Nicholas Long are Margaret Telfair, Richard H. Long, John J. Long, James Rembert & Sarah R. Rembert his wife (Sarah got married), Frances Eliza Long, and Lock Meams/Weems (husband of Eugenia who had died?). Does not state any relationship other than "heir" and probably all of age now since all signed. No grandson. Nicholas Long received the 5000 acres in NC in 1791; he paid 10# per every hundred acres - not a poor man!
On 14 Aug 1826, Benjamin Sherod (sic) Long of Halifax Co NC sold 3 parcels in Carroll County TN to local residents of Carroll. All part of land granted by NC to Lunsford Long, deceased. Again, one could assume "Lunsford" a son of Nicholas Long/Mary McKinnie, and Benjamin Sherod his heir but I don't believe that was actually stated.
Spouse | Mary McKinnie (1743 - ) |