Individual Details

Benjamin Pettitt Jr.

(20 Feb 1815 - 31 Mar 1906)

Benjamin married Nancy Flynn ca 1834. There is a Marriage Bond in Stokes Co but there is no date. Henry Martin, Bondsman. They were married by W. P. Lash, Justice of the Peace

1850 Census. Richmond District, Stokes Co. On the same page with Nancy's mother, sister Jane, and brother Burwell Flynn.

1860 Census. Stokes Co, NC, Danbury P.O. Hh 1063
Benjm Pettit, age 48. Nancy, age 49.
Patsy 19. Bettie 16. Sallie 13. Luisa 4.
Thomas 23. Ruth 24.


Birth20 Feb 1815Eastern Tennessee
MarriageCa 1834Stokes County, North Carolina - Nancy Flynn
Death31 Mar 1906North Carolina


SpouseNancy Flynn (1813 - )
ChildGeorge Pettitt (1836 - )
ChildThomas Pettitt (1838 - )
ChildCharlotte Pettitt (1840 - )
ChildMartha Pettitt (1842 - )
ChildNancy Pettitt (1844 - )
ChildBetsey Pettitt (1846 - )
ChildSusan Pettitt (1848 - )
ChildLouisa Pettitt (1856 - )
FatherBenjamin Pettitt (1786 - 1815)
MotherCharlott Martin (1795 - 1865)
