Individual Details

Jeremiah Exum

( - Bef 28 Mar 1720)

Jeremiah Exum was in Isle of With, VA as early as 1686, when his signature was attached to the will of Michael Mackquinney as a witness, 15 Apr 1686. He was one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Isle of Wight. His wife, Ann, was mentioned in a deed to Thomas Cullen in such a way that there was likely a relationship to the Lawrence family and it's possible that his wife Ann was a daughter of John Lawrence. John Lawrence left a will dated 2 Jan 1696/7 in Nansemond Co but those wills have been destroyed.

Jeremiah & Ann are mentioned frequently in the Quaker records. Both left wills in Isle of Wight County; his recorded 28 Mar 1720, hers on 27 Mar 1727

The only son of Jeremiah and Ann was Richard, who died before his parents leaving a large estate in Virginia & North Carolina. His sisters inherited his estate, their husband signing in the final settlement.
Mary Exum married 1st Jacob Ricks and 2nd, Barnaby McKinne
Ann Exum married George Greene and died before her parents, leaving no issue
Elizabeth Exum died unmarried
Jane Exum married Richard Outland
Mourning Exum married william Scott
Christian Exum married George Norsworthy, a widower
Sarah Exum married a cousin, Robert Lawrence, Jr.


DeathBef 28 Mar 1720Isle of Wight County, Virginia
MarriageAnn Lawrence


SpouseAnn Lawrence ( - 1727)
ChildMary Exum ( - )
