Individual Details

Miranda Ethel Comstock

(8 Feb 1893 - 4 Aug 1938)

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press 1909 Compiled by Fran Alverson Warren, p.15-16
10 Apr 1909 Tenth Annual Commencement of Uniontown High School to be Firday, April 16. Admission 15 cents - included three short plays.
Named True Nobility - Miss Ethel Comstock.
She was also in the play "A Case of Suspension"

Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press 1910 Compiled by Fran Alverson Warren, p.32-33
The Crawford County Singing Association met at Figure Four School House, Sunday, July 17, 1910. Miss Ethel Comstock was the Assistant Organist to the Organis, Miss Minnie Hays. The welcome address was given by Hon. R. Comstock [Ethel's father.]

Arkansas Death Certificate #1418
Mrs. Ethel comstock Wilson 4 Aug 1938 at St. Edwards Mercy Hospital in Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co, AR of metastasised cancer of the liver and spleen. Her residence was Van Buren. She was born 8 Feb 1893 in Uniontown, AR and was married to Raspus S. Wilson. Her father was Randolph Comstock; her mother, Temperance U. Spier, both born in Uniontown, AR. Raspus S. Wilson, husband, was the informant. Buried Roselawn Cemetery, Aug 5th.

Married Respess Simpson Wilson 3 Jun 1915. One child Charles Newell Wilson born 14 Aug 1920. There was no child listed in her obituary; he must have died young.

Funeral service for Mrs. Ethel Comstock Wilson, 45 years old, wife of R. S. Wilson, Van Buren attorney, who died Thusday afternoon at a Fort smith hospital, after an illness of several weeks was held Friday afternoon at the Wood Memorial Christian church, with Rev. Gilliam C. Yoes, Christian minister of Van Burn, Dr. W. B. Miller, pastor of the First Presbyterian church and Dr. O. J. Chastain, pastor of the First Baptist church officiating. Dr. J. R. Keeling, pastor of the church, is on vacation and out of the city.
Burial was in the Masonic section of Roselawn ceretery in Fort Smith with the Fentress-Miller home of Van Buren in charge of arrangements.
Active pallbearers were W. J. Martin, Dell Miller, O. D. Thompson, Wilbur Laws, W. V. Boatright, and B. J. Duke, Honorary pallbearers, members of the Sunday school class taught by Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. Wilson was a member of a widely known Crawford county family. Her father, the late Randolph Comstock was a pioneer business man and political leader of Uniontown, where Mrs. Wilson was born, Feb 8, 1893. Since moving to Van Buren in 1922, when her husband became county judge of Crawford county, Mrs. Wilson took an active part in the church, club and fraternal life of the city. She was a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and Arkansas State Teachers college, and had taught in the schools here and in other communities in the county. Her husband is one of the candidates for the democratic nomination for circuit judge of the Fifteenth Judicial District.


Birth8 Feb 1893Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas
Marriage3 Jun 1915Faulkner County, Arkansas - Respess Simpson Wilson
Death4 Aug 1938Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas


SpouseRespess Simpson Wilson (1886 - 1954)
ChildCharles Newell Wilson (1920 - 1974)
FatherRandolph "Dolph" Comstock (1865 - 1924)
MotherTemperance Ulier "Temp" Speir (1868 - 1913)
SiblingClara Blanche Comstock (1891 - 1892)
SiblingIone Grace Comstock (1895 - 1979)
SiblingSylvia Ruth Comstock (1898 - 1984)
SiblingHugh Barton Comstock (1900 - 1970)
SiblingLeonard Hy Comstock (1902 - 1902)
SiblingRalph Klondike "Dike" Comstock (1903 - 1987)
SiblingNorma Ann Comstock (1910 - 1990)
