Individual Details


(11 Nov 1822 - 9 Jun 1890)

Ellen wrote a letter back home to Itura and Matthew Weeks - Itura was a sister to Ellen's husband Charles.
On the Envelope:
Miss Iturea Weeks [Mrs. Matthew Weeks], Birch fork [Burks Fork], Floid [Floyd] Co, Virg. Postage was 2ยข
Paris, Logan Co, Ark.
February 6th, 1887 [Charles had been dead about 4 years]
Dear Brother and sister
I imbrace the Presant oppertunity of Penning you a few lines to inform you I have not forgoten you all though I have Know ____ neglect in answering your letter. I will ask you to excuse me for Puting it off so long. We are all well at Presant and hopeing when This comes in hand will find you all inJoying the Same Blessing. I do not know if I have anything to write will interest you or not. Crops was very good last year. Pork was scarse, the hogs - quite ____ People lost all of thire hogs. I will give you the Prices of Produc and stock corn is .50 cts per Bushel Wheat .75 to $1 per Bushel oats .50 cts per Bushel good horses and mules 100.00 to 125.00 dollars Cattle is low. I was very Sorrow to hear of Mothers death [this would be Charles' mother, Mary Huff Mabry] and her suffering before her She died. I believe that she had a hope Beyound this vaile and had no fears of Death and I Simpathise with you in the Berivement of your Mother She She lived to and good old age they is not many in this world lives to see thire fourth generation. She out-lived the most of her children.
I do not know that we should greive know more than we could help for I know she has gone to rest you wanted me to write to you how many grandchildren I have I will try and give you a statement of them I have 29 grand children liveing and 6 dead and one grate grand child dead I think I am correct in my statement if you get all of them together and have them Publish I would like to you to send me a coppy or a list of them a few words about Alford Weeks [Matthew was Matthew A., was he also called Alford? Itura and Matthew had no child Alford, or Alfred] I would like to know how he is geting along and I was very Sorrow to heare of getting criple up so. Give him my respects and that would to see him Betty Weeks Tell her that I would like to hear how She is getting along. Iture, I would like if it was so as I could to Pay my old native country a visit and See all my relation and friends once more thats I serpose I never will as it is so far away and cost so much I will never be able and do my self justice and I have not Ben in good health since last July I have a kind of skin desease or Brakeing out that Bothers me and some times makes me sick. Minna [youngest daughter Lamina Virgina] has left me. She maried a man By the name of D. J. Redden She got man is doing very well he had every thing arange to go to hous keeping before they maried he Builed good frame house Be. they was maried I am still on the old Place. Matthew and his wife and Bell are all the is left on the old home except a man Matthew has got hired. Well I will close all of my children is well so far as I know I will say something Else as it come to my mind They has Been considerable of sickness in our country the Past year and a grate deal fatell Sickness tyford and Malaria grate many People died my favrite Preacher Died Last fall of Tyford fever he was a young like man 30 or 35 years old in the Bloom of lief and about the ablist preacher I ever heard he was and old Babtice I hardly ever hear any Preaching any more I will close hopeing to heare from soon give all the news of your county and give all my relation and friends my Bes. Regards write soon as I want to hear from you I remain as ever your sister untill Death. Mrs. E. T. Maberry.
[added note]
To Aunt Iture I will say a few words to you times is hard here that is in regard to money most every thing is tolerable plenty we have had a miled winter perticluar Janary it was allmost like Spring the wheat crop is looking favorable I have not been at home much of my time this winter I at the last Election was elected Constable of Paris I will close Please write to me Matthew Maberry


Birth11 Nov 1822Virginia
Death9 Jun 1890Logan County, Arkansas


SpouseCHARLES MAYBERRY (1820 - 1883)
ChildMathew MAYBERRY (1844 - )
ChildLETITIA ANN MAYBERRY (1844 - 1926)
ChildJoshua Gage Lee MAYBERRY (1847 - 1910)
ChildMary Jane MAYBERRY (1849 - 1920)
ChildIsabelle MAYBERRY (1851 - 1920)
ChildEmeline Frances MAYBERRY (1852 - 1948)
ChildAugustus O. MAYBERRY (1855 - 1901)
ChildAda M. MAYBERRY (1857 - 1896)
ChildVianna Virginia "Annie" MAYBERRY (1860 - 1890)
ChildLamina Bridget "Minnie" MAYBERRY (1864 - 1954)
