Individual Details

Caleb Baker

( - Bef 29 Apr 1754)

Wills of both Caleb and Martha indicate that their daughter Mary was the wife of Robert Ewing. "The Kentucky Explorer" Vol. 13, No. 4, September 1998, p.76 states that the father of Mary Baker was a Presbyterian minister.

Gedcom on WorldConnect by Bonnie Miller gives Matha's name as Martha Brooks.

Caleb's Will dated 24 Nov 1750 with a codicil added on 6 Feb 1754. Names Martha Baker, Loving Wife. Sons Samuel, Henry, Abraham, and Caleb. Daughters Ruth Johnston, Martha Ewing and Mary Ewing. Daughter Easter Walles [Wallace] received 1sh. Wife Martha and sons Samuel and Henry to be Executors. Probated 29 Apr 1754.

Martha's Will dated 20 Apr 1759. Names sons Caleb and Samuel. Daughters Martha, wife of Charles Ewing; Mary, wife of Robert Ewing, and Ruth, wife of Samuel Johnston. Will presented in court 8 May 1759.

1754 Apr 29. Prince Edward Co, VA Will Bk 1, pg3. Will of CALEB BAKERdated 24 Nov 1750 with codicil dated 6 Feb 1754 filed.
In the Name of God, Amen, the twenty fourth Day of November Anno dominis1750. I Caleb Baker of Amelia County being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks to God for it and Calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death When it Shall please God to call, Do make and declare this my Last Will & Testament in Manner and form following. First being penitent and Sorry for all my Sins most Humble Desiring forgiveness for the Same, I Commend my Soul unto almighty God my Savior and Redeemer in and by Whose merits I trust and believe assuredly to be Saved and to have full Remission and forgiveness of all my Sins and to Inherit the Kingdom of heaven and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors Hereafter Named Martha Beaker Wife of the deceased, Caleb Beaker and Samuel Beaker, Son of Caleb and Martha Beaker and Henry Beaker, Son of the Same and for the Settling of my temporal Estate and Such goods Chattels and Debt as it has Pleased God to bestow upon me I do order, give and Dispose The Same in manner and form following, that is to Say
Im primus. I give and bequeath Unto my Son Samuel Beaker 463 acres of land Which is Laid off for him in Amelia County on Spring Creek to him,his heirs, Executors administrators, or assigns for Ever. Likewise I give, and bequeath unto my Son Henry Beaker 400 acres of Land joining the forgoing piece of land to him, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, or assigns for Ever. Likewise I give and bequeath Unto my Son Abraham Beaker 200 acres of Lank joining the pieces of Land to him, his heirs,executors, Administrators, or Assigns for Ever. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my Son Caleb Beaker 307 acres of Land joining the forgoing tracts of Land to him, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, or assigns for Ever with the Dwelling place Where on I, the Deceased Caleb Beaker lived, only the Wife of the Said Caleb Beaker to act and Do with it During her lifetime. The next Legacy is I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ruth Johnston twenty pounds Current Money of Virginia to her and her heirs. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha Ewing twenty pounds of like money to her and her heirs. Likewise, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Ewing twenty pounds of like money to her and her heirs. To Whom I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Easter Walles (Wallace) one shilling Sterling and No more and I hereby make And appoint my Loving Wife, Martha Beaker, Executor of this my Last Will and Testament as Well as my two Sons, Samuel Beaker and Henry Beaker, During her Widowhood to keep the Estate together Wholey, the Negroes and all Things belonging to the Estate of the Deceased Caleb Beaker, only to Raise the aforementioned Sum of money out of it as soon as possible it can be Raised out of it and if Martha Beaker, Wife of The Deceased Caleb Beaker, is married, I leave my two Sons Samuel Beaker and Henry Beaker,Full and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament for to Divide my estate Equally among my four Sons and three Daughters here Mentioned,Samuel Beaker, Henry Beaker, Abraham Beaker, Caleb Beaker, Ruth Johnston, Martha Ewing. But if Martha Beaker wife of the Deceased Caleb Beaker Liveth a Widow til her Decease, I leave my Estate to her Disposal to Dispose of among my Children as She Shall think proper and I make this my Last Will and Testament hereby making & revoking, Disannulling and making Void all former Wills and Bequests by me Made and Declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness Whereof I have Set my hand and Seal unto this 24 Day of November in the year 1750. And I Leave three Hundred and five acres of Land joining Patrick Galaspas (Gillespies) Land on Buffalo Creek to Help to Raise the three Legacies out of being so Low placed to be Sold By my Executors.

Wit: John Breazeale, John (his + mark) Harrison, Saml Hancock. S/Caleb Beaker
February 6th 1754. I Caleb Baker hath taken a consideration and Desire that this may be____will that my Executors may Settle it to them Selves with out any trouble or going to law And that three hundred acres of Land on Buffalo Which I Desire to be sold to help the Legacies, my mind is altered. I give it all to my Son Henry Beaker and his Heirs for Ever.


DeathBef 29 Apr 1754Prince Edward County, Virginia
MarriageMartha Brooks


SpouseMartha Brooks ( - 1759)
ChildSamuel Baker ( - )
ChildHenry Baker ( - 1759)
ChildAbraham Baker ( - 1759)
ChildCaleb Baker (1734 - 1824)
ChildRuth Baker ( - )
ChildMartha Baker ( - )
ChildMary Baker (1725 - 1790)
ChildEaster [Hester?] Baker ( - )
