Individual Details

Mary "Polly" Slade

(1780 - )

Caswell Co NC DB A, pp.504-5: Henry Williams to Mary Slade, granddaughter of said Williams, for love & affection for his grandchild, gift of one negro wench named Milley and her child Phebe. If Mary Slade dies without heirs, the negroes to be given to Williams' own children equilly divided. 19 Dec 1780. Wit: Nathl. Williams.

Court minutes of Mar 1782: John Grave made oath that in 1780, Henry Williams gave to Thomas Slade, Junr, one negro named Milla.

Caswell Co DB U, p.48 16 Jan 1822. James Graves to Edmund McCubbins for $10, all interest he and his wife Polly Graves have to tract left by Henry Williams dec'd to his wife Elizabeth and to be div among his children at her death. Supposed to be 10 A. Also signed by Polly Graves. Wit: William Russell, Jno Chandler.

According to the Will of Thomas Slade, Mary's father, his daughter "Polly" married James Graves who was deceased by August of 1827.


Marriage15 Apr 1800Caswell County, North Carolina - James Graves


SpouseJames Graves ( - 1827)
FatherThomas Slade Jr. (1753 - 1830)
MotherMary Williams (1760 - 1782)
