Individual Details

Matilda Wynn

(Abt 1829 - )

Subj: Pendleton Co. Circuit Court Date: 97-09-30 14:12:49 EDT F r om: OHud To: Lunetta595 Petition for sale of property:E.Wynn,Matild a D ewalt and Thompson Dewalt her husband, E.J.Wynn an infant over 1 4 y ears of age,who sues through her guardian C.D.Reed Sr. and William W yn n who sues through J.M.Middleton, Thomas Wynn Jr. and his wife Louisa . V s Bird Wynn & his wife Mary Wynn and unknown heirs of E.Fosset d e c'd The plaintiffs say that Johnathan Wynn died domiciled in this cou n ty died without issue on 2nd of July 1890. He left surviving him E.Wyn n h is brother,& Matilda Dewalt who is his sister, and who has intermarr ie d with Thompson DeWalt. He also had a brother James Wynn who died abo u t 10 years ago and left the following children to wit: James Wynn, Har l ey Wynn the last 2 who sue through their statutory guardian T.Wynn and W i lliam Wynn have no guardian and sue by J.M.Middleton their next friend w h o is a resident of this State and free from any disability and these 7 c h ildren inherit 1/8 of the estate of Johnathan Wynn. He also had a brot h er Thomas Wynn now dead who had the following children to wit: Thomas W y nn jr. who is intermarried with Louisa Wynn,Elizabeth Simpson who was i n termarried with W.S.Simpson and now dead,M.Wilson who is intermarried w i th John Wilson, and the said Thomas Wynn left a daughter Eliza J.McHat t on whose husband John McHatton is now living, and her children John Mc H atton jr,and MaryBooth who was intermarried with J.Booth now dec'd. ar e e ntitled to inherits 1/8 of the estate of Johnathan Wynn dec'd. He a ls o had a sister Mary Fossett who has been dead now more than 50 years, a n d whose husband is now long deceased, if the said Mary Fossett left an y c hildren they are entitled to 1/8 The said land cannot be divided wit ho ut materially impairing it's value. The post office address of J.W. & C . D. is Parkersburg , Indiana and the unknown heirs of unkn o wn to plffs.


BirthAbt 1829OH


SpouseThompson Dewalt (1826 - )
ChildEzekiel Dewalt (1851 - )
ChildHenry Dewalt (1856 - )
ChildJohnathan Dewalt (1858 - )
FatherThomas Wynn (1777 - 1849)
SiblingIsaac Wynn (1802 - )
SiblingNancy Wynn (1805 - 1890)
SiblingJames Wynn (1807 - 1861)
SiblingThomas Wynn (1808 - 1890)
SiblingMary Ann Polly Wynn ( - 1890)
SiblingWilliam Ross Wynn (1820 - 1893)
SiblingJonathan Wynn ( - 1890)
SiblingElizabeth Betsy Wynn ( - 1890)