Individual Details

James Greenwell

(15 Jan 1761 - 1825)

Militia 1794 Pg 86 Greenwell Males St Mary's County MD http://trees.anc e 6 2 405&pid=11218 Family Data Collection Births Benjamin Benedict Greenwe l l of James 6th Greenwell and Anastasia Cotterill http://trees.ancestry . com/rd?f=image&guid=4277a954-8279-4862-a505-114fb22154c5&tid=12262405 & p id=11218 Family Data Collection Births Robert Greenwell of James 6th G r eenwell and Anastasia Cotterill u id=f3e5421c-3f01-4b93-8ca3-2486fa067e7e&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Fam Da t a Coll Indv Rec for James 6th Greenwell son of John 2nd Greenwell http : // e 6 60&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Fam Data Coll Births James Greenwell of Joh n B asil Greenwell and Eleanor Clarke ge &guid=14fd8954-3214-4e18-998a-435d84a5ca6a&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Fa mi ly Data Collection Births Anna Greenwell of James 6th Greenwell and A n astasia Cotterill 7 ce-44ba-93bc-44c563a42c56&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Family Data Collecti o n Births Mary Greenwell of James 6th Greenwell and Anastasia Cotterill h t tp:// 2 2 44774&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of Southern Maryland T i tle Page a 4db-47c935af3aa4&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of Southern M a ryland Intro Pg 2 http://tree e 30-4a29-802e-66ad746c1b2d&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of S o uthern Maryland Book Title 8 857168-826e-4a3c-a85a-8029c8b08fa1&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Fa m ilies of Southern Maryland Intro Pg 1 m age&guid=c7f721ec-b7ef-446c-8acb-8a617c0b2369&tid=12262405&pid=11218 C a tholic Families of Southern Maryland Copyright http://trees.ancestry.c o m/rd?f=image&guid=ba12de12-809d-41d7-8824-8adc43f6e89d&tid=12262405&p i d =11218 Catholic Families of Southern Maryland Pg 59 Children of John B a sil Greenwell and Eleanor 3 0bd53-3818-4066-847f-90fc3f55c8bb&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Fam i lies of Southern Maryland Pg 14 Elizabeth Greenwell of James and Elean o r Greenwell 3 d-aaea-96ff356877cc&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of South e rn Maryland Pg 10 Mary Greenwell of James Greenwell and Anastasia Cott e rill - a29f01c09042&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of Southern Mar y land Pg 7 James Greenwell of James and Eleanor http://trees.ancestry.c o m/rd?f=image&guid=ab8c2b9f-1e5b-4773-9000-b6766c5d8f5b&tid=12262405&p i d =11218 Catholic Families of Southern Maryland Book Table of Contents h t tp:// 0 2 55185&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Catholic Families of Southern Maryland F o reword with Sources - 17aa-4bbc-afcd-c905c2d57a40&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Family Data Collec t ion Births Stephen Greenwell of James 6th Greenwell and Anastasia Cott e rill - d0ceb9bbf736&tid=12262405&pid=11218 Fam Data Coll Indv Rec Mary Ameli a M illy Greenwell of James 6th Greenwell =i mage&guid=72450d74-2a3e-4e07-956b-daec81890ce9&tid=12262405&pid=1121 8 C a tholic Families of Southern Maryland Pg 14 John Baptist Greenwell of J a mes Greenwell and Anastasia Cotterill m age&guid=3eae08dc-fd9a-456c-9795-e1bfba69fbf5&tid=12262405&pid=11218


Birth15 Jan 1761Leonardtown, St Mary's, Maryland, United States
Birth15 Jan 1761Leonardtown, MD
Marriage1792Anastasia Cotterill
Death1825Hardin, Kentucky, United States


SpouseAnastasia Cotterill (1753 - 1846)
ChildMary Greenwell (1772 - 1864)
ChildJohn Baptist Greenwell (1774 - )
ChildStephen Greenwall (1793 - 1845)
ChildRobert Greenwell (1794 - 1849)
ChildMatthew Greenwell (1795 - 1873)
ChildMary Amelia Greenwell ? (1795 - 1860)
ChildAnn Greenwell (1797 - )
ChildBenjamin Benedict Greenwell (1805 - 1873)
ChildMary Amelia Greenwell (1867 - 1898)
FatherJohn Basil Greenwell (1685 - 1761)
MotherEleanor Gough (1741 - 1768)
SiblingJoshua Leonard Greenwell (1756 - 1832)
SiblingMonica Greenwell (1759 - 1825)
SiblingJohn Baptist Greenwell (1760 - 1825)
FatherJohn Baptist Greenwell (1682 - 1774)
MotherEleanor Alina Greenwell (1716 - 1751)
SiblingJoshua Leonard Greenwell (1756 - 1832)
