Individual Details

William White Hart

(13 Apr 1842 - 13 Sep 1922)

William White Hart served in the Civil War for 4 years and at some tim e a chieved the rank of Sergeant. Acording to Charles Harold Hart, his s o n, WWH not only fought but also assisted the Surgeon with his treatmen t a nd operationsof the wounded. He was wounded 3 times and, supposedly , w ent to his grave with a large bullet, maybe a minie ball, in h is t high, in September 1872, he started to receive his Civil War pensio n f or $6.00 per month (List of pensioners on the rolls, Vol II # 119, 2 3 6 page 531. Put out by the Dept of Interior, USA. $6.00 per month for G S LT (Grape shot left thigh) which he collected until his death in 1922 . A fter his death, Olive Hart who had taken care of him and his childr en - h er brothers - after her mothers death received a pension until h er de ath in 1951. His funeral cost $233.0 - Soldiers Fund paid $75.00 a nd t he rest was paid by Charles H. Hart, who was Probably the executor o f t he estate. This next information is from the Chester County Archives , W estChester, PA. 506h PA Infantry, Recruited in Berks Cty., Mu stere d in September 26, 1861 and mustered out July 30, 1865. Re-mustere d as V eteran Volunteers at Blanes Cross Road, TN - Jan. 1, 1864 7/5/191 3 (fr om newspaper) WilliamHart., H.A. Sebing and Samuel Plank form Joan na a nd Daniel B. Foreman, Morgantown, both places being in Caernarrvon T wp , Berks Cty, PA. attended the 50thanniversary of the Battle of Gettys b urg, Mr. Foreman was twice wounded and has both balls as relics of the c o nflict. WW Hart was also wounded several times but not at the Battle o f G ettysburg. WW Hart was at the Battle of Vicksburg, Miss. Whic h r eached its culmination on July 4, 1863 when the CSA surrendered afte r a l ong siege. Charles H. Hart accompanied his father to the gat heri ng at Gettysburg. My Grandfather Charles Harold Hart told me that W W H art wasborn in one of the company houses that were owned by Hopewell F u rnace. These houses are still in existence at Hopewell Furnace, a Na t ional Monument, which abuts French Creek State Park, Union Twp. B e rks Cty., PA. After the war,William White Hart had a plastering busine s s in Reading, Berks Cty., PA. which he sold to his son, Charles Harold H a rt. In the 1880 Readign City Directory, WW Hart was listed with his bu s iness as living at 28 N. 11th St. Reading PA. at one time he lived at 5 1 7 N. 9th st. Reading, Berks Cty., PA. After selling his business to hi s s on, he built a house in Caernarvon Twp., Berks Cty., PA. which was s it uated on the eastern road which comes out of Harmony Church. He live d t here with his daughter Olive, until his death from uremic poisoning i n 1 922. She lived there for many years by herself. This informationwas m a iled to me by Mabel L. Thomas mrstui@lan Manheim, PA. 1 0/25/99


Birth13 Apr 1842Hopewell Furnace, Union Twp., Berks Cty., PA.
Marriage26 Jun 1864Reading, Berks Cty., PA. - Rebecca Ackley
Death13 Sep 1922Joanna, Caernarvon Twp., Berks Cty., PA.


SpouseRebecca Ackley (1844 - 1890)
FatherJoseph Hart (1807 - 1849)
MotherMargaret McEwen (1800 - 1845)
SiblingJames Clemens Hart (1831 - )
SiblingElizabeth Hart (1831 - 1904)
SiblingMary H. Hart (1835 - 1907)
SiblingPeter Warren Hart (1837 - 1900)
SiblingJoseph Liburn Hart (1840 - 1918)
SiblingMargaret B. Hart (1840 - 1916)
SiblingAmanda Frances Hart (1845 - 1860)