Individual Details

Thomas Greenwell

(1735 - 1810)

Will of Thomas Greenwell. State of Maryland, St. Mary's Co. In the name o f G od Amen; - I, Thomas Green well of the State and County afores aid, be ing of very -weak body but sound of mind and memory thanks be to G od f or it and calling to mind, the mortality of ay body and knowing tha t, i t is allotted for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my l ast w ill and testament. I give and recommend my Soul unto the hands of A lmi ghty God who gave it to me and my body I recommend to the Earth to b e b uried in a decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my E x ecutor hereafter mentioned. Nothing doubting but at the general resurr e ction I shall re- ceive the same again by the Mighty power of Go d , and as touching such Worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to b l ess me in this life, I give and depose of in the following manne r and f orm; First, I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Allethair e Gree nwell, one cow and calf, and two ewes, and lambs to be paid t o h er out of my estate by my executor her and her heirs forever-and als o o ne Negro girl by the name of Milly, to her and her heirs forev er . Item I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Kirkley Greenwell two pig s i n part of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter E lizabet h Swan Greenwell, two pigs in part of my estate. Item I give and b eque ath to my son William Francis Greenwell, one cow and calf, two ewes a n d lambs, and one bed and furniture, the one that he com- monly lies on , t o him. and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son Tho ma s James Greenwell, one cow and calf, two ewes and lambs, one bed and f u rniture to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and my will is t h at all the remaining part of my estate, not willed to be equally divid e d amongst my children hereafter named, both real and personal, after m y j ust debts are paid, that is to say my sons, Philip Greenwell Samuel G r eenwe11, Lewis Greenwell, William Francis Greenwell, Thomas Jame s G reenwell, Allathaire Greenwell, Abel Simmond Greenwell, Joseph Kirkl ey G reenwell, and Elizabeth Swan Greenwell, to be equally divided among t h em, and I also nominate and appoint my son Philip Greenwell, my whole a n d sole Executor of this my last will and testament-and I do utterly di s allow- revoke ,and disannul-all and every other former Testament, Will , L egacies and Bequests, by re or any wise named, Wills, and Bequeathed , R atifying and and confirming this; and no other to be my last Will ai d T estament-on wit- sees hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal th is t he third day of Feb- ruary, Eighteen hundred and Twelve. Signed, se ale d and delivered in the presence of us-to be his last Will and T e stament. Henry Ford; B. Hutchins. St. Mary's Co., to wit the 11th day o f F ebruary 1812. Thomas Greenwell (Seal) Then came Philip Greenwell and m a de Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within instrumen t , of writing is the true and whole Will and Testament of Thomas Greenw e ll dec'd. that hath come to his hands or pos- session and that he doth k n ow of any other. Certified by-James Forrest,Reg. of Wills for St. Mary ' s Co.,-the 11th day of February 1812. They, came Henry Ford and Bennet H u tchins the two subscribing witnesses to the last Will and Testament of T h omas Greenwell late of St, Mary's Co., dec'd. and made oath on the Hol y E vangels of Almighty God, that they also saw the Testator there- in n am ed sign and seal this Will, and that they heard him publish, pronounc e a nd declare the some to be his last will and Testament, that at the t im e of him so doing, he was to the best of their apprehension of sound a n d dispos- ing mind, memory and understanding, and that they subscribed t h eir names as witness to the Will in the presence at the request of the T e stator, and in the presence of each other. Certified by James Forrest- R eg. of Wills for St. Mary's Co.,Md,.


Birth1735St Mary's, Maryland, United States
Birth4 Sep 1754St. Mary's Co., MD
Birth4 Sep 1754St Marys, St Mary's, Maryland, United States
Marriage1784Eleanor Abell
Marriage1 Dec 1797Living
Marriage1 Dec 1797St Marys, St Mary's, Maryland, United States - Mary Milburn Simmonds Abell
Death1810St Mary's, Maryland, United States
Death1812St. Mary's Co., MD
Death1812St Marys, St Mary's, Maryland, United States
DeathFeb 1812St Marys, St Mary's, Maryland, United States
Will11 Feb 1812St. Mary's Co., MD


SpouseLucy Greenwell ( - 1803)
SpouseEleanor Abell (1735 - 1787)
ChildPhilip Greenwell (1783 - 1821)
ChildSamuel Greenwell (1784 - 1849)
ChildLewis Greenwell (1785 - 1843)
ChildWilliam Francis Greenwell (1786 - 1849)
ChildThomas James Greenwell (1787 - 1846)
ChildJoseph Kirkley Greenwell (1800 - 1867)
SpouseMary Milburn Simmonds Abell (1765 - 1812)
ChildAllethaire Althea Greenwell (1788 - 1868)
ChildAble Simond Greenwell (1798 - 1844)
ChildAlathea Greenwell (1800 - 1868)
ChildJoseph Kirkley Greenwell (1800 - 1867)
ChildElizabeth Swan Greenwell (1802 - 1809)
FatherPhillip Greenwell (1736 - 1774)
MotherMary Manning (1760 - 1830)
SiblingMary Greenwell (1762 - 1797)
SiblingAnn Greenwell (1767 - 1774)
SiblingElizabeth Greenwell (1769 - 1774)
SiblingClare Greenwell (1771 - 1774)
SiblingJoseph Greenwell (1772 - 1803)
SiblingMartha Nancy Mills (1798 - 1875)
FatherPhilip Greenwell (1724 - 1827)
FatherCharles Greenwell (1708 - 1760)
MotherMary Brown (1711 - 1760)
SiblingDaughter Greenwell (1708 - 1760)
SiblingElizabeth Greenwell (1732 - 1751)
SiblingCharles Greenwell (1739 - 1787)
SiblingJames Greenwell (1740 - 1803)
SiblingIgnatius Greenwell (1742 - 1774)
SiblingRhomas Greenwell (1810 - )
