Individual Details

Blanche D'ARTOIS

(16 Jan 1244 - 2 May 1302)


Birth16 Jan 1244Artois, France
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Enrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Enrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Enrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Marriage1269Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Île-de-France, France - Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Marriage3 Feb 1276Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Marriage3 Feb 1276Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Marriage3 Feb 1276Edmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester
Burial1302Paris, Île-de-France, France
Death2 May 1302Paris, Île-de-France, France


SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
ChildHenry OF LANCASTER 3rd Earl of Lancaster (1281 - 1345)
ChildThomas OF LANCASTER 2nd Earl of Lancaster (1277 - 1322)
ChildJohn OF LANCASTER Sire de Beaufort und Nogent-sur-Marne (1286 - 1317)
SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
ChildHenry OF LANCASTER 3rd Earl of Lancaster (1281 - 1345)
ChildThomas OF LANCASTER 2nd Earl of Lancaster (1277 - 1322)
ChildJohn OF LANCASTER Sire de Beaufort und Nogent-sur-Marne (1286 - 1317)
SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
ChildHenry OF LANCASTER 3rd Earl of Lancaster (1281 - 1345)
ChildThomas OF LANCASTER 2nd Earl of Lancaster (1277 - 1322)
ChildJohn OF LANCASTER Sire de Beaufort und Nogent-sur-Marne (1286 - 1317)
SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
ChildHenry OF LANCASTER 3rd Earl of Lancaster (1281 - 1345)
ChildThomas OF LANCASTER 2nd Earl of Lancaster (1277 - 1322)
ChildJohn OF LANCASTER Sire de Beaufort und Nogent-sur-Marne (1286 - 1317)
SpouseEnrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN (1244 - 1274)
ChildReine de France Jeanne DE NAVARRE I (1273 - 1305)
SpouseEnrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN (1244 - 1274)
ChildReine de France Jeanne DE NAVARRE I (1273 - 1305)
SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
ChildHenry OF LANCASTER 3rd Earl of Lancaster (1281 - 1345)
ChildThomas OF LANCASTER 2nd Earl of Lancaster (1277 - 1322)
ChildJohn OF LANCASTER Sire de Beaufort und Nogent-sur-Marne (1286 - 1317)
SpouseEnrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN (1244 - 1274)
ChildReine de France Jeanne DE NAVARRE I (1273 - 1305)
SpouseEnrique I DE NAVARRA Y BORBÓN (1244 - 1274)
SpouseEdmund CROUCHBACK 1st Earl of Leicester (1245 - 1296)
FatherRobert D'ARTOIS I Comte d'Artois (1216 - 1250)
FatherRobert D'ARTOIS I Comte d'Artois (1216 - 1250)
FatherRobert D'ARTOIS I Comte d'Artois (1216 - 1250)
FatherRobert D'ARTOIS I Comte d'Artois (1216 - 1250)