Individual Details


(From Abt 862 to 873 - From Abt 892 to 959)


BirthFrom Abt 862 to 873Bourges, Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
Marriage890Roheut ROTHILDIS
DeathFrom Abt 892 to 959Bourges, Centre, France.


SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
SpouseRoheut ROTHILDIS (871 - 927)
ChildRichilde DE BOURGES (892 - 946)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)
FatherStephen DE BOURGES (832 - 864)
MotherRainard DE TOURS (830 - 890)