Individual Details


(From 945 to 978 - From 960 to 1000)


BirthFrom 945 to 978Broyes, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
DeathFrom 960 to 1000France
Marriage975Heloise DE BLOIS
Marriage975Heloise DE BLOIS
MarriageChampagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France - Heloise DE BLOIS


SpouseBéline DE BEAUFORT (980 - 1000)
SpouseHeloise DE BLOIS (983 - 1022)
ChildIsembart DE BROYES (970 - 1036)
ChildIsembert DE BROYES (997 - )
SpouseHeloise DE BLOIS (983 - 1022)
ChildIsembart DE BROYES (970 - 1036)
ChildIsembert DE BROYES (997 - )
SpouseHeloise DE BLOIS (983 - 1022)
ChildIsembart DE BROYES (970 - 1036)
ChildIsembert DE BROYES (997 - )
SpouseAglaé DE WOEUVRE (938 - 989)
FatherIsembart DE BROYES 1er Sire de Sens (925 - 1028)
MotherAgnès SENS D’AMIENS (925 - )
SiblingGrandson of RENAUD ( - )
FatherIsembart DE BROYES 1er Sire de Sens (925 - 1028)
MotherAgnès SENS D’AMIENS (925 - )
SiblingGrandson of RENAUD ( - )
FatherIsembart DE BROYES 1er Sire de Sens (925 - 1028)
MotherAgnès SENS D’AMIENS (925 - )
SiblingGrandson of RENAUD ( - )