Individual Details


(983 - 1052)


Birth983Prague, Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire
Death1052Bohemia, Czechia


SpouseOldrich DUKE OF BOHEMIA (976 - 1034)
ChildBretislav I Duke of Bohemia And Moravia (1005 - 1055)
ChildVratislav PŘEMYSLOVEC (1007 - 1055)
SpouseOldrich DUKE OF BOHEMIA (976 - 1034)
ChildBretislav I Duke of Bohemia And Moravia (1005 - 1055)
ChildVratislav PŘEMYSLOVEC (1007 - 1055)
SpouseOldrich DUKE OF BOHEMIA (976 - 1034)
ChildBretislav I Duke of Bohemia And Moravia (1005 - 1055)
ChildVratislav PŘEMYSLOVEC (1007 - 1055)
SpouseOldrich DUKE OF BOHEMIA (976 - 1034)
ChildBretislav I Duke of Bohemia And Moravia (1005 - 1055)
ChildVratislav PŘEMYSLOVEC (1007 - 1055)
SpouseOldrich DUKE OF BOHEMIA (976 - 1034)
ChildBretislav I Duke of Bohemia And Moravia (1005 - 1055)
ChildVratislav PŘEMYSLOVEC (1007 - 1055)
FatherWladvren KRESINA (950 - 1007)
MotherMrs. Damarade KRESINA (950 - )
FatherWladvren KRESINA (950 - 1007)
MotherMrs. Damarade KRESINA (950 - )
FatherWladvren KRESINA (950 - 1007)
MotherMrs. Damarade KRESINA (950 - )
FatherWladvren KRESINA (950 - 1007)
MotherMrs. Damarade KRESINA (950 - )
FatherWladvren KRESINA (950 - 1007)
MotherMrs. Damarade KRESINA (950 - )